Search out your Restoration Customer’s concerns
On a Restoration Job keeping the peace comes first. See how a house plant can help you achieve this.
On a Restoration Job keeping the peace comes first. See how a house plant can help you achieve this.
Positive Accountability implies recognizing and celebrating the positive achievements your technicians make. Steve gives three examples.
A complaining customer is just a wake up call to “tune up” your company. But before you can make these positive changes you need lots of “Why, When, Where, What and HOW?” answers.
Today’s customer will post a negative online review BEFORE calling you! So get proactive by calling the client BEFORE they reach their computer keyboard!
Promoting “word-of-mouth” referrals has always been the most effective business marketing. Online reviews are even better!
Online five star positive reviews are “gifts that keep on giving”! Your challenge? Residential customers promise to review you online but forget!
Make it easy for your front-line technicians to focus on making the Cheerleader by giving them all their information in Job Folders.
So are comment cards appropriate for commercial accounts? At times, yes. But Steve suggests a more “proactive approach”…
Learn how to “double dip” from your customer feedback with a fun contest on “Making the Cheerleader”!
Getting customer feedback is vital for any business. Steve shares how you can get “maximum mileage” out of the time-honored Customer Comment Cards …
Most cleaners invite reviews; but not everyone examines them like they should. Steve revisits the “customer comment card” with a few modern tweaks.
More and more customers are guarding their e-mail addresses like the entrance to Fort Knox. And who can blame them? Here is a guaranteed slam-dunk way to pry your client’s e-mail address out of them!
A Chicago restoration contractor wants to get feedback from his customers. Steve explains why this is such a great idea and shares some resources that are free for the downloading right here on this site …
As a professional carpet cleaning entrepreneur you have built a great and unshakable reputation for quality. Or have you? Steve Toburen analyzes how a complacent attitude can quickly sink a recognized world leader in quality …
You have finished up restoring a water damaged home. The home owner has been great to work with and the structural contractor has played ball. So what can you do to thank everyone involved? See what Steve suggests to one California SFS member that specializes in water damage restoration …