Get them out from behind the desk!
The more time your prospect spends with you the more likely it is they will want a “return on their investment”!
The more time your prospect spends with you the more likely it is they will want a “return on their investment”!
Become an expert consultant sincerely interested in solving your client’s problems and they will respond by becoming loyal (and very profitable) Cheerleader Customers.
Create positive client feelings right from the git-go with a simple clipboard. Small touches like this display a “Sense of Urgency” and communicate security to the client.
Chuck Violand takes away some important business concepts as he struggles with an old Italian family recipe. Did you know that what you don’t know may be the most dangerous thing for your success? Read on…
An apparently successful Florida restoration contractor is fed up with the daily shenanigans he faces. Steve shares a concept and solution…
Many restoration and cleaning businesses run their websites on WordPress. Here we present simple solutions for scaling your WordPress site down to mobile view.
Words make a difference. So sell commercial carpet cleaning smart by avoiding negative phrases like “contract”. What to use instead? Read on…
Most cleaners love an upcoming week crammed full of jobs right from the git-go. But Steve says there are several subtle traps in overbooking your technicians. Learn how you may “Make More Money” by booking fewer jobs per week …
Just because there is less carpet being installed these days doesn’t mean you need to hang up your wand and retire! Bill Yeadon tackles the latest rumors and facts about today’s carpet manufacturers.
Move yourself out of the “just another carpet cleaner” trap by taking the initiative to help the client. Everyone will benefit.
Too many cleaning and restoration professionals flounder with managing their business due to the demands of NOW! So how can you stay on top of your marketing, strategic planning and your long range vision?
Even the Bible says that “in the multitude of counselors there is salvation”. And yet, being the stubborn, mule-headed entrepreneurs that we are, we continue to insist on going it alone. One SFS member shares a great idea on outside advice. Even better, this help is FREE!
Meg and John Burdick have already built an exceptional business. Now they are looking to the future and recognize they need more outside help. So they are taking a scary step of bringing in a local consultant. Read on and ask if you too need more outside help and/or accountability in your life …