Silently remind your client about buying protector
Many of your long time customers may not even KNOW you offer carpet protection. Routinely remind them about ScotchGard and you’ll Make More Money!
Many of your long time customers may not even KNOW you offer carpet protection. Routinely remind them about ScotchGard and you’ll Make More Money!
A Minnesota carpet cleaner asks how he can easily promote Scotchgard protector on his website. Steve shares one great resource and an even better promotional idea …
An Oklahoma business owner wants to do right by his employees but is frustrated by their apathy and fear in selling carpet protector. Steve shares 7 steps that he used to super-charge his Scotchgard carpet protector sales …
There is nothing more profitable in our cleaning and restoration industry than re-applying carpet protector. Agreed?
Want to sell even more protector? Use these tools and sign the customer up for a 12 month warranty.
This freshly revised Special Report lays the roadway towards new and repeat add-on sales of Scotchgard and other high-profit services. Are you getting the full profit potential out of each carpet cleaning job? Would you like to transform your carpet cleaning technicians into motivated yet subtle salespeople? The answers are inside …
Customers think they clean every year but often postpone the “Big Day” for two or three years! Yearly Scotchgard brings you more profit now … and later.
Imagine getting your customer to bring up the “carpet protection” subject! Steve shares how to do this automatically and without the technician having to say a single word!
Words paint a mental image in the already stressed out mind of your residential client. So Steve shares some great “replacement phrases” for the negative word “spray”!
Everyone can Make More Money by selling carpet protector. Steve shares an “Xactimate secret” for restoration contractors to sell more scotchgard.
When it comes to selling carpet protector “seeing is believing” and nothing works better than the Scotchgard “blotter demo”. Now one of our readers shares a great tip on how to make this time-tested sales presentation even better …
Sometimes “simple is best”. This tip will only cost you a few bucks but may save you hundreds of dollars in carpet cleaning chemicals cost. Read on …
Remember the old expression, “under promise, over deliver”? In other words, IF you’ve already got the Scotchgard protector sale, it is now time to lower the no doubt unreasonably high expectations of a typical residential cleaning customer. Steve shares how to NOT oversell carpet cleaning products.
Your employees can be wonderful Cheerleaders for your company and services. Here is one idea to help them become more vocal in advocating add-on sales.