Should I buy a restoration franchise?

Is disaster restoration a good fit for this Tennessee constructor? Steve’s “Who-What-Where-Why-When-How” response lays the groundwork for any business decision you might be pondering.

“After 20 years should I convert to a franchise?”

This is a common question and the answer varies based on each individual’s circumstances. Sometimes a franchise might be exactly what is needed. Read on for Steve’s analysis…

Can buying a franchise help me get started in carpet cleaning?

Should I go with a franchise- yes or no? A huge question that faces a beginning carpet cleaner at the worst possible time- before they know anything about this industry! Fear no more as a would-be carpet cleaner in Nashville pops the franchise question to Steve …

Should I go with a “one stop package” carpet cleaning “business opportunity”?

When entering a new industry it can be an oh-so-very-overwhelming journey. So it is tempting to go the pre-packaged equipment route, especially if the company offers you a “protected territory” for your carpet cleaning business. But Steve says to be very, very careful. After all, you are putting one more link in the “supplier chain” …