Spring “Open House” marketing
Real Estate agents countrywide are getting into their “Open House” groove. Breaking into this market gives your company more work and more exposure. How can you do it? Easy! Steve outlines the steps to take …
Real Estate agents countrywide are getting into their “Open House” groove. Breaking into this market gives your company more work and more exposure. How can you do it? Easy! Steve outlines the steps to take …
Real estate sales are booming. And homeowners turn to their real estate agents to recommendations on showcasing their home. Steve shares how to get agent’s attention ( and referrals) for free!
Your customer’s biggest challenge? Choosing a cleaning or restoration contractor when they can’t “try on” your work BEFORE you perform it in their home or business.
Cleaners get nervous when its time to quit the day job and go full speed ahead with their new cleaning venture. Bill Yeadon shares his insights after helping many budding cleaning entrepreneurs make the jump!
Rhinos, elephants, and camels- Does this have anything to do with carpet? Click on through to see what a carpet cleaner can learn from Mohawk Industries’ marketing techniques. (Hint: Brace yourself…)
Nobody likes misunderstandings or arguments and especially with a testy customer who feels like she has been “betrayed” on her carpet cleaning pricing. Here is a very simple way to keep all your advertised price promotions straight and heading off ugly confrontations before they start …
What does a 2800 pound black rhino, a revolutionary new carpet fiber, and social media all have in common? If your mind is all “a-twitter” I guess you will just have to read the article!
Being in the carpet cleaning business many of you have some real horror stories. I think this one about Ricko the Rhino will top them all. Calling all stain and odor experts>
The “oldies but goodies” are often the best and not just in music either. For example, thinking on marketing …