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Productive marketing requires analysis, creativity and persistence. In other words, a whole lotta work! Are there any shortcuts? Of course there are! Just look in any industry magazine or browse through your spam folder and you’ll find hundreds of purported “instant” solutions.
However in my experience, the only feasible “shortcut” (which will still require effort on your part) is to develop and nurture “strategic relationships”. In other words, go where your customers go. Buy from and do business with the people your prospective clients do business with.
In this Special Report, we’ll break down the WHY and HOW of creating cross-over marketing opportunities for cleaning companies and/or restoration operations.
You’ll find insightful advice on:
- Key strategic relationship candidates
- Easy tie-in products
- Insider tips on how to attract specific niches
- Specialized restoration hub marketing opportunities
- Commercial cleaning networking to get your foot-in-the-door
All of this and more is included in the following download.
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