“Prevention” is a great winter time tool!

You (and your employees) can’t clean if you aren’t functioning!  (And especially in winter!) Which means you must care for your equipment, customers and (most importantly)…

Take care of yourself (and your techs) in winter’s freezing temperatures!

My very best tip? Avoid the problem in the first place! For example…

chapped handsCracked fingers! Its amazing how much a split finger can hurt! And very difficult to cure once it happens! So always wear waterproof gloves when pulling those wet, snow-packed hoses!

NOTE: When cleaning upholstery or spotting glove up for chemical protection too. If you don’t your cracked and bleeding hands aren’t going to heal till June!

Foot problems! Wear “Sorel type boots” with a liner that can be removed for drying each night. Nothing worse than cold, damp feet! (Toes crack and bleed too!)

NOTE: Carry a pair of “inside shoes” (loafers work well) to slip on inside the customer’s home. Big, clunky snow boots are a “home owner bummer” no matter how carefully you wipe them off!

Work safe by keeping warm! A cold tech will hurry which leads to accidents. Dress in layers to peel off as the day warms up. (Insulated vests under a company jacket work well.) And don’t forget a warm hat!

Eye care too! When (and IF!) the sun ever shines again the glare on the snow can literally be blinding. So wear good 100% UV rated sunglasses. (Especially when driving.)

HINT: Leave the sunglasses in the van. Home owners don’t want to face the “Blues Brothers” when they open the door! 🙂

Click HERE for my “Cold Weather Survival Tools” video. And stay warm (and safe!) out there!


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