'FAST' QuickTIP: Develop gentle but persistent 'Employee Expectation' reminder systems for your staff.
Many, many years ago this simple statement transformed my life: “Clearly defined relationships are the basis for all successful relationships.” In fact, I’ve written reams on how to clearly define your CUSTOMER’S expectations.
But now let’s focus on your staff and how to…
Clearly define what you expect from your EMPLOYEES!

Just like with your kids, it is only fair to set ‘clear expectations’. For example…
1. During your ongoing recruiting process. Develop a ‘Careers With Us’ website landing page listing out applicant requirements. Don’t be afraid to set your standards high- the Very Best People want to work in a quality organization. BONUS: Prospective clients often surf your website and will be impressed with your high hiring standards!
2. While sorting/interviewing applicants. Review your expectations with your candidates in your ‘tiered interview’ process. Then during the ‘Working Interview’ of your top candidate(s) review your expectations AGAIN.
MORE RESOURCES: Get dozens of step-by-step recruiting and hiring systems in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best LIVE seminar. For more info and/or to register online click HERE.
3. During a new hire’s orientation/training. The best time to ingrain your company culture and clearly define your expectations with a new employee? In their first two weeks of employment! How? ‘Fast Track Training’ sessions!
4. Reinforce your expectations in regular staff meetings. We held a 45 minute company wide meeting every Wednesday at 7:00 AM. A big investment? ABSOLUTELY! But it paid off with gentle but persistent ‘expectation reminders’!
5. Add ‘Positive Accountability’. All of us do better when we’re ‘held accountable’! HINT: Be sure to REWARD your people when they EXCEED your ‘clearly defined expectations’! Hmmm… let’s talk about this real soon!
Final reminder: The five steps above are soooo much easier with the Very Best People on your team! I’m just sayin…