It’s a LOT of work to recruit, interview, hire, orient and train a new employee. And that’s just the beginning!
So obviously you want the Very Best People (VBP) on your team to ‘stick around’! I did too! Over time I realized my truly loyal, best long-term employees had ‘bought in emotionally’ to my company. Yep, just like with your customers, it is all about ‘the relationship‘!
The best time to create and build this essential employee relationship? During (and immediately after) your hiring process when you…
‘Stage manage’ your new hire’s ‘entry process’. Here’s how I did it…
1. IMMEDIATELY- I want you to stop reading now and ask yourself three questions: “1) Would I want to work for me? 2) Would I stick around… long term?” If your honest answer to either of these questions is a resounding “NO WAY!” Ask yourself the painful third question: 3) “Why not?” Then it will be time to…
2. FOCUS on you and your business- Honestly examine your company’s appearance and business image. Simply put, the VBP want to work for a ‘Very Best Company’! (VBP will also check you out online- what will they see?) Once you have created a ‘VBP welcoming’ business realize that…
3. ALL the time- You are constantly marketing for new customers. This process never stops. In the same way, recognize that your searching/recruiting for the Very Best People is an ONGOING PROCESS that never stops.
4. DURING your hiring process- Sure, you will be carefully ‘sorting’ and high-grading applicants. (You MUST avoid the dreaded ‘Desperation Hiring’!) But you are also ‘courting’ these folks so they will crave to work for you. Be sure to treat ALL of your Job Candidates with respect and dignity. (They might even become customers!)
5. BEFORE hiring them full time- Have your best candidate(s) work with you for a day or two BEFORE they quit their current job. (Even better, test them out as an ‘on-call’ or part time tech.) This ‘Trial Hire’ can save a lot of heartache- on BOTH sides!
NOTE: Want more targeted SFS concepts and procedures on HOW to recruit, ‘sort’, interview, verify and hire ONLY the Very Best People? Then I’ll see you soon in our 3-hour, online SFS: ‘Hiring the Very Best’! LIVE seminar. CLICK HERE for more info…
6. Get their family on board- After you have formally hired a new employee (not before!) ask, “So do you have family? Kids?” If so, invite the whole bunch out to lunch with you and your family and then offer, “Would you kids like a tour of where Dad will be working?” This will pay off big time in… building the relationship!
7. Do an immediate Meet-and-Greet– When your new worker walks in for their first day they should see your ‘Welcome Aboard’ banner! All your employees should applaud, introductions made and then have coffee and donuts while your staff gets to know their new team member. 15 minutes maximum and then ‘back to work’!
8. Now it is ‘mentoring time’– Your new worker’s pre-assigned mentor/trainer will now take over in your ‘new employee stage play‘! But notice this word “trainer”. Can your ‘New Hire Training’ be improved with a SFS ‘Fast Track Training’ system? ABSOLUTELY! Click HERE to learn how…