CONGRATULATIONS! You engaged in my 7-step “careful courtship” of recruiting, ‘sorting’, interviewing, etc and hired an employee! GOOD FOR YOU! After all, you don’t really want to “grow old on the wand”, do you?
Next you (hopefully) ‘stage managed’ your new hire’s ‘Entry Process’ following this 8-step program I recently shared with you.
TRAINING RESOURCE: Want step-by-step SFS procedures to recruit, ‘sort’, interview, verify and HIRE ONLY the Very Best People Then you need our 3-hour, online SFS: ‘Hiring the Very Best’! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for more info or to register…
Now you have an excited-to-get-to-work fresh face in your company! Are you going to throw this (often young) employee “to the wolves” by not ‘pre-orienting’ them? (The Emotional Dynamics of working ‘on-location’ in customer’s homes is a totally different environment!) Therefore, you must…
Pre-orient employees on their ‘Home Front Challenges’ with four key SFS Training principles…
1: Look through their eyes. At best, clients FEEL we are a “Tolerated Irritation” (even an intrusion) in their homes.
2: FEEL their ‘pain’. Your first-time residential customer normally FEELS defensive, vulnerable, trapped and invaded with an unknown tech in their “inner sanctum”! The SFS: ‘Value Added Service’ concepts explained HERE will help your employees ‘win over’ nervous homeowners. (Click HERE to learn more about our online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar.)
3: The 80% Principle. This statement will change your life: “A customer subliminally decides if any service is a “good job” or a “bad job” based on how they FEEL about the person(s) performing the service”! (Are you starting to see your challenges?)
4: Consistently create Cheerleaders. You’ll do this by guiding your tech’s in-the-home actions with this step-by-step Moment of Truth Checklist. NOTE: My techs were not geniuses. And yet my company routinely cranked out delighted Cheerleaders by using simple ‘Service Systems’ like this one!)
MORE RESOURCES: Even before you do a “trial hire” with a new tech review VAS concepts with them. Download HERE a FREE 6 step “Initial Value Added Service Pre-training” Outline! (Or check out my 7 hour MP3 technician training program HERE.)
Restoration HINT: Nothing calms the traumatized emotions of an Insured better than Value Added Service. So click HERE for the step-by-step script my techs followed in a fire or water damage loss.
Now don’t you have some orientation/training to to do? Best wishes and let me know how you are doing out there!