I just LOVED cleaning carpets, upholstery and of course the incredibly profitable diversification of water damage mitigation! Let me count the ways…
1) Its FUN transforming a customer’s filthy carpets! Plus 2) carpet cleaning and insurance restoration provides a fantastic work out! And 3) making “big money” feels GREAT! And yet your “clock IS ticking” because…
One day (maybe soon, maybe NOW?) you will come to DREAD that cleaning wand! So…
START your “getting off the truck” process… NOW!
RESOURCE: You’ll get 100’s of new hiring ideas and systems in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar. To learn more and/or easily register online click HERE.
Here is a ‘road map’ for your journey toward Personal Freedom…
1. Analyze your life. Ask yourself, “Where is my ‘Sweet Spot’? Will it be the same in ___ years? How does my family feel?” NOTE: Please avoid the “Road-In-Between” Business Model!

2. Change your “world view”… of YOU! You likely started with a “technician mentality”. (Me too!) But now you will be managing people, not a wand! So start learning again. (Maybe even sign up for one or more of our online SFS: LIVE seminars!)
3. Start “recruiting”. Look for great people everywhere. Then offer them a part time, on-call “courtship”. (Hiring the Very Best People (VBP) is essential when building a Critical Mass Business.)
4. Train your recruits in Value Added Service (VAS). Your goal? To clone your sparkling personality! How? Click HERE for my free VAS Training Outline.
5. Learn to let go. This is incredibly hard for the typical OCD owner-operator. But you have hired the VBP and drilled them in VAS. “Getting off the truck” means literally doing just that. So I’m firmly ordering you: “Step away from the van, sir!” NOW!
6. Step up your sales efforts. Set a reasonable goal to contact X new prospects every week. (I suggest 20 which is 20 more prospects than most cleaners contact!)
7. Keep track. Building a Critical Mass Business is a monumental process! Yet to “begin getting off the truck” you must do it. So keep yourself focused (and encouraged) by tracking your progress weekly. Click HERE for my free weekly “Financial Flash Report”.
NOTE: All of these 7 steps will require MONEY so you need our 3 hour, online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for 100’s of ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas and systems to easily book prospects who use text, email, Facebook, website chat or even… the phone! HERE are our upcoming class dates…
And hey, let me know how you’re doing out there!