How to develop ‘loyal’ employees…

keep-good-employeesSo you’ve finally included ‘recruiting’ the Very Best People (VBP) as part of your daily routine! GREAT! Trust me- surrounding yourself with good (maybe even ‘great) people will transform your business!

Sure, you can ATTRACT good people by paying “more than the going wage”. (And you should ‘pay more’!)

RESOURCE: You’ll get 100’s of new hiring ideas and systems in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar. To learn more and/or easily register online click HERE.

But now that you have these VBP on your team you must now KEEP them long term! Please read the next paragraph very carefully…

No ‘Very Best Person’ will stick around (much less throw themselves into building your company heart, body, mind and soul!)  ONLY for high wages. And once again- you do need and want great employees. (I tell every SFS training class that life is too short to spend it with marginal people!)

Here’s the deal! You will KEEP quality employees much longer when you…

Tie your workers to you (and your company) emotionally!

Yep, emotions almost always win over logical, rational thought when making important decisions like future employment. (Remember this when marketing your services!) So here is the essential question:

How can you tie your employees to you emotionally? By making them feel part of your ‘business family’! For example…

1. Become an example- Never ask your employees to do something you won’t do. Instead, to truly excel follow Nick Paolella’s example of ‘Servant Leadership’. (Or even better cook for your employees!)

2. Publicly recognize your employees- Yes, I’m constantly beating the Public Recognition drum! But folks, the easiest, fastest, cheapest and most effective employee motivation tool is Public Recognition! And yet oddly we don’t do it! Weird, huh? Another important employee tip is to…

3. Remember to say “Thank You”! a lot- When you thank employees do so sincerely and be specific on WHY you are grateful. And don’t forget to…

4. “Take the hit!” That’s right- tell your workers you’re sorry when you screw up! In fact, a very valuable technique is to take the blame even when it is not your fault. (After all, as the owner or manager whose fault is it ultimately anyway?) And above all else…

5. “Seek first to understand” Most of us find the new generation of employees difficult to motivate/understand. Bill Yeadon has researched the “How to Motivate Millenials” subject extensively. Download Bill’s free Special Report: “The Customer Comes Second” HERE!

6. Recognize that you are ‘competing’ for great employees- That’s right- these Very Best People will be fussy and won’t work long-term for ‘just anyone’. Therefore you must…

7. Provide an above average ‘Career Opportunity’- CLICK HERE for my 8 steps to provide a long term ‘growth path’ for your Very Best People! Finally…

8. Remember that even the VBP may eventually… LEAVE you! So deal with it ‘proactively’!

Want more help? CLICK HERE for my ‘7-step System to Avoid Desperation Hiring and Hire the Very Best People’!

NOTE: Please post in our Strategies for Success: Growing Your Business Facebook Group and tell us how you tie your employees to your company emotionally! (All are welcome in our SFS Group- you don’t have to be a SFS graduate.)


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