Your employees need much more from you than a pay check. Just like your customers, employees need not only a ‘solution’ (which in your worker’s case is a pay check!) but also ‘good feelings’! So HOW can you provide these essential ‘good feelings’ to your staff?
I love. love, love sincere Public Recognition for motivating employees. And cold cash based on outstanding efforts works too! However…
The very best way to “motivate” your staff? Hire the Very Best People who will be “self-motivating”! Trust me, your life will be so much easier! And by happy serendipity, we’ve developed a 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar. You need this program! But meanwhile, let’s go deeper…
Industry gurus use a fancy pants phrase called “empowerment through accountability”. But since I’m a down-in-the-trenches kind of guy let’s cut to the chase with a specific procedure…
Each week assign a different worker to come up with a new way to create a positive Moment of Truth for your customers. Then…
Have your employee present their idea(s) at your next weekly staff meeting. (Then heartily applaud their effort!)
This builds on my central premise which is to involve (and recognize) the people ‘closest to the action’. (Techs especially can suffer from low self-esteem and this is a great ego-building exercise!) Even better, we got some of our best ideas from this trick!
NOTE #1: This “closest to the action” strategy works in any industry. For example, my local Weight Watchers group had what they called a ‘Traveling Journal’. Each week a different group member took the book home and recorded every single dish they prepared. The following week they shared the best ones with the group. (Much applause always followed!)
Maybe a “’Moment of Truth Traveling Journal’ might be fun to try to try with your workers. Accountability and employee involvement/awareness always work!
Of course, when you add accountability you must find ways to track your employee’s action and results. Let’s focus on this soon!
NOTE #2: You’ll receive dozens of ‘down in the trenches’ Lead Conversion systems and Procedures in my three hour SFS: ‘Winning over your caller’ online LIVE seminar. CLICK HERE to learn more…
BTW, how do YOU make your weekly staff meeting ‘interactive’? Share your ideas in our Strategies for Success: Growing Your Business Facebook Group. (You don’t have to be a SFS graduate to join us!
This will be the first week we’ve launched our weekly Team meeting. This week, for our first meeting, we’ll cover Positive and Negative Moments of Truth. Donuts will be served, and perhaps someday, I’ll buy a grill and provide breakfast! Good, and hot! If I can learn to cook!
Each week we’ll cover procedures and Team Building.
At least it’s a start! I’m excited!
Way to go, Shawn. Now the challenge will be to keep up your training schedule and not let the “urgent overwhelm the important”. Let us know how you are doing.
PS Try getting at least some of your people to a VAST class. It will give your Value Added Service implementation efforts a huge kick in the pants.
I already have my team signed up!
Well, the first Team Meeting has come and gone! The donuts were fine and the interaction was great! We covered the positive and negative moments of truth, and tweaked some of our procedures.
Next, is to learn to cook, so I can provide a healthier breakfast!!!
I’ll keep y’all posted.
“Learn to cook”? Sounds like a “Displacement Idea” to me, buddy. That is why “take out” was invented. On the other hand, there is something very touching about the boss cooking for his troops. Witness Nick Paolella at every SFS!
PS Keep up your reports from down in the trenches, Shawn. We appreciate them very much.