What a great class we had in our Tampa Bay store last week. This sold out Strategies for Success seminar had a wide cross section of attendees which just made it that much more valuable. The new ones learned from the years of experience out there and us “old-timers” gained a lot from the fresh set of “Customer Eyeglasses” that the “new boys” brought. And evidently many in the seminar felt the same way … Steve
“Givers gain! People who are givers in life rather than takers are the quality type individuals you should associate with. The Strategies for Success team and material not only model this high level of character but also taught us how to apply the ‘givers gain’ principle in our own life and business.”
David Hadidian, Bay Shore Cleaning
Tampa, FL
You’ve nailed Jon-Don’s secret to success, David. Nick Paolella has always run his company on the “Givers Gain” principle. SFS just takes this corporate generosity to a new level. (Sadly, there is a lot of suspicion out there since people just can’t believe that SFS is exactly what we say it is! However, our members have more credibility than we do. So thank you, David, for your comments above.)
“This is the second time for me in SFS and every time I attend I learn more. (I think the first time at Strategies was a shock to my system!) I will implement many more ideas from this seminar. I would love to come back next year and every year! Thank you!”
Dan Brave, Truly Green Clean
St. Petersburg, FL
Actually, Dan, every “alumni” who comes back to SFS tells me the same thing- that they learn AND implement much more the second time around. We’d love to see you every year!
“Bill Yeadon was fantastic. His section had real world but industry-specific knowledge and then he clearly communicated how to implement these ideas. I would highly recommend Strategies for Success to any professional who is dedicated to their business and their dreams.”
Tim O’Neil, Facilcare
Beverly, MA
Hey, Tim, you are fanning the flames of Yeadon’s and my “sibling rivalry! Seriously, though, Big Billy does a great job and he is a pleasure to work with. Be sure to tap into Bill’s knowledge on this SFS web site. And I gotta say you weren’t the only one who fell in love at SFS …
“Chuck Violand was awesome. I look forward to taking more of his courses. Just the knowledge and confidence of actually knowing your numbers will be worth gold in your company. However, the single best, most useful moment at SFS was my visit with Nick Paolella! I loved the SFS seminar. I can’t wait to get home and put it to work. See you at the top!”
Jon Reid, On the Spot
Blackfoot, ID
I agree, Jon. Chuck has “been there- done that” and brings a lot to SFS. After 13 years with Chuck I still get impressed at his knowledge and wisdom. And of course Chuck’s “partner in crime is Nick and Nick is amazing. He is a font of experience and in between his constant joking around will deliver up some gems on how to live your life. If Nick wasn’t such a great guy I would be truly jealous of the attention he gets. But I have to admit that he deserves all of this recognition …. And much more!
“Steve Toburen is a true professional. I give him 100% plus! The Strategies for Success seminar has saved my business. A week ago I was thinking of giving up and getting rid of my company. But no longer. I have learned so much in the last five days it is unreal. Thank you, Jon-Don! I love you guys!
Daisy Ureña, Skybridge Services Corp.
Parrish, FL
Wow, Daisy. Comments like the above is what keeps all of us on the SFS team going. We love what we do but as you well know putting on (or even attending!) a five day seminar is an exhausting process. We sure appreciate knowing when we have made a difference in your life. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
So my thanks to all of you. The very best way you can thank us is to get out there, Make the Cheerleader and become a true success in your life!
PS Nick says that if as you grow you want to buy some stuff from Jon-Don that would be nice too! 🙂
It was great to me so many different people there, This has been an awesome 3rd round for me, I know one of my guys will love the Langhorne class, I hope to be able to sit in on a small portion of
it myself!!
Don’t be a stranger, Rob. SFS member Aaron Steinblock holds the record at seven times attending SFS and when he left last year’s SFS he told me had eight pages of a new “Things-To-Do” list to work on. See you in Langhorne!