When you post on any industry bulletin board asking how to increase your carpet cleaning or restoration sales it never fails: several members will chime in and say: “Write a blog!”
So you stare back solemnly at your keyboard thinking- “Am I the only one that doesn’t know how to start blogging or even understand its purpose?”
You could head over to the library and pick up a book on blogging but if any book has made it to the library it is already out of date! What if you could continue pounding on those keys and get all the most current information from a super guru and it was free?
Well then you have come to the right place! Sorry no Ginsu knives if you act today. Just a fast trip to page #1 on Google! How?
Check out web guru Seth Godin, well known author, blogging wizard, and guide to marketing in the 21st century.
Seth’s daily blog frequently offers tips on current marketing strategies. I particularly enjoyed an e-book he has published on the subject of blogging. I hope you enjoy it. Today is the day you start blogging! Just do it!