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All carpet cleaners want local carpet stores to consistently recommend them to the customers. And yet very few do. Why not? There is nothing in it for the retailer!
Now you can give your local flooring retailers a win-win reason to refer your services by letting them give every carpet installation a FREE 12 Month Spot and Spill Warranty– serviced by YOU! This step-by-step procedure will show you how to set up this great new marketing concept.
Now “git ‘er done”! (And let me know how you are doing out there!)
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Finally pulled the trigger and signed up for MFW with John Mapes last week. We are really excited about it and feel so lucky to be able to benefit from this resource and John’s trial and error in developing the system.
Can’t wait to get it up and running and keep you updated with some dispatches about it!
I have been working with the 5 carpet retailers in my area for the last 9 years. I took your advice about the spot and spill warranty to get them to exclusively use us and it has been a hit. Four of the five want to recommend only us and let us put signs in their stores telling their clients about the spot and spill warranty they will get when they purchase new carpet. We already offer it to our clients when they buy fabric protection from us, why not offer it to new clients and get them as a lifetime client. Thanks for the pointed direction.
Thank you, Mark, for sharing. The “gasoline” that keeps your SFS team going is hearing when people actually DO what we suggest and improve their lives in the process.
People like Meg and John Burdick! If you haven’t done so already check out the “Meg’s Story” series under “From Our Members”.
PS Meg, a big shout out to you also. John called me so excited when you decided to do the MFW route. I agree 100% with your decision- why invent the wheel? The My Flooring Program works- IF you get out there and get those “Retailer Partners” signed up. My guess is you will! (It will be great to see you folks again in Langhorne.)