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Carpet cleaning would be a wonderful business EXCEPT for those fickle residential customers.
Snow or rain? They cancel!
Your client sees a special from one of your competitors? They bail out!
You need a regular income stream coming in that will let you shrug off the occasional “customer defection”! Achieve this business State of Bliss with regular, contract commercial carpet cleaning accounts.
Steve Toburen shares in this hard-hitting Special Report:
- WHY you need them
- HOW to get them
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Steve, all your information is top notch. For lack of a better phrase, I would consider this the bible of carpet cleaning. Thank you so very much!
The “Bible of Carpet Cleaning”? that’s pretty heavy stuff and a tough bar to consistently reach! But thank you for the kind words and yes, we really are trying to be the best resource in the industry.
PS This site is the logical extension of the Jon-Don/ SFS philosophy of “throwing our bread on the waters and in the course of many days (hopefully) it will come back to us.” As in if we help you grow your business you will take us along for the ride and buy more stuff from us! But there will never be any pressure or slick selling on this site- I promise! Let us know how we can help!
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Stever. I am bidding on more commercial work than I ever have but only landed one fish. a nice sized tuna. my concerns are wick back.
I demo’ed a church carpet, shower feed rotoed, wand scrubbed, turbo fans and bonnets. parts came out like gold, others like lead.]
any ideas oh dude-master.
please visit my blog. “the carpet cleaner’s crocodile” it’s loaded with great carpet cleaning stories.
frankie chocolate
Thanks again for being on Procleaners Network last night. As I indicated Bill, Chuck and you are quality individuals that are great for the industry. I appreciate the info on the SFS web-site and am downloading now the articles that I can use. Hope to attend Chuck’s class in Canton on 10/22-10/23 and we’re trying to get a large group to see all of you in Florida (any golf courses close-LOL).
Hope all of you will drop in any time to our little site. The education that’s now available compared to 20 plus years ago, not only
give a harden veteran hope for the industry but shows what a driven company can do to help the new person entering this business. Jon-Don use to be just another distributor and supplier, but their fast becoming much more.
Jack Newcomb
ServiceMaster by Newcomb
Thanks, Jack. I thought we had an exceptional group and Dan and I are already planning something for the future. But I don’t want to get “over-exposed” especially with that slacker Yeadon hoarding all of his marketing nuggets. So I think you should push Dan to get Big Billy next! See you in Tampa next January, Jack. (Oops, did I let the cat out of the bag, Bill?)
PS I wouldn’t wait too late to sign up, Jack. We sell out all of our SFS seminars several months early and Tampa in winter is avery popular seminar. (I can’t imagine why.)
One phrase comes to mind, Frankie. “The law of large numbers”. That is why the 20 weekly new sales contacts promoted in my Dedicated Sales Morning (DSM) concept are so important. Most carpet cleaners snare a few plush accounts and then stop their marketing efforts. (Not you of course!) The key is 20 new sales calls every week and you never stop. It works.
Steve – I put on a tie and went cold calling on commercial carpet cleaning. medical buildings. Yesterday morning i set up at least 2 big accounts. Thanks for makin me try it for a week.
I’ve raised my prices. i do preinspections every time now, and i’m up selling scotchgard. your phrase that stuck with me was, “Whose gonna clean it better than you?”
Cecil Sebring
St. Louis class of 09
Congratulations, Cecil. As Chuck Violand always says, “The hardest door to make it through is your own!”
PS I think the whole tie deal was for me and my self-image as a lowly rug sucker as it was for the client. Whatever works!
Hey Steve,
We are doing the work and contracts are up, not so cranky.
Life is good! Thanks for all the great words of wisdom.
You are a life saver.
Kristen in Silverton Or.
Keep running into ‘No Soliciting’ signs posted on just about every bldg. door. Any ways to get around this little inconvenience?
Downloading now, I look forward to the info!
Great post Steve. I am amazed at how you detail the explanation of each tip. I’ve visited you other post and I am learning more and more.