Customers respond to “an attitude of care and concern” like spring flowers in the desert after a gentle rain. In other words, they BLOSSOM! So how can you make this caring attitude a part of your Business Infrastructure? Read on and ask yourself how to apply this great concept in wall-to-wall on-location cleaning …
On our oriental rug pick-ups we pre-mail a sheet of bright orange dots with confirmation letter stating the pick-up time and mentioning to the client to apply the dots to any “areas of concern”.
The Pick-up driver also has orange dots and during his pre-inspection he also marks areas that need special attention. Then the Wash Manager in the rug plant re-evaluates the rug taking into account the areas noted from both the customer and the Pick-up driver. The orange stickers are taken off the rug and placed on the Work Order along with the Wash Managers comments on how the concerns were resolved technically. Then the Work Order, with the original orange dots attached, is reviewed with the customer at the time the rug is re-delivered.
The purpose of this Procedure is two fold; One, to give the “Illusion of Control” to the customer and to let them see we listen and take action on their concerns. The secondary reason is to inform the Wash Manager about any technical problems with the rug.
Now I know most carpet cleaners don’t have oriental rug cleaning plants. Yet you can use the same idea by pre-mailing some “dots” to your homeowners with wall to wall carpet. Obviously where this TIP will pay off big time is when you have a customer who will not be there when the carpets are being cleaned.
However, I was also struck by the amount of effort this QuickTIPS puts into a system to improve communications between the different players in this Home Front “stage play”. You’re all tired of hearing me say it, but communication is the biggest challenge of business and that is something any company of any size shares in common!
P.S. One gentle request. Remember that this free QuickTIPS service depends on all our members sharing their Techniques, Ideas, Procedures and Systems. (Cute acronym, huh?) So please, go to our online form to submit your quickTIPS