A truckmount without carpet cleaning chemicals onboard is just a really heavy anchor!

Get the most out of your truck mount! Set up your re-order systems for inventory control to avoid the stress of last minute orders and running out of key products …

Get together a list of all your chemicals and the supplies needed for at least two weeks of operations. Include at what inventory level you want to re-order and what quantity should be ordered. List all these items out on a spreadsheet, print it out and hang the list on a clipboard by your supply area. Each time an employee pulls  a bottle or item off of the shelf for use in the truck  they will mark it down manually on the spreadsheet. At the end of each week turn this sheet into the office where they can make re-orders as needed.

Simple, low tech and improves the always-a-problem lack of communication between the office and the production side (read here “technicians”!) of your business.

NOTE:  It isn’t enough to just have this clipboard hanging on a hook by your chemical storage area.  Instead, name one individual (usually a mature technician) to be IN CHARGE of this program.  Train them and then stand back and let them do their job!


P.S. How do you facilitate communication between your front line technicians and your office staff?  Please share your systems below in the comments.

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