“When one door closes, another opens.” Alexander Graham Bell

Mr. Bell prospered during the 1918 devastating Spanish flu pandemic. Now over 100 years later the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected everything… including our SFS Training!
Sadly, all of Jon-Don’s in-store seminars (including Strategies for Success Training sessions) have been suspended until the COVID-19 pandemic gets sorted out. But meanwhile…
I’ve used Mr. Bell’s “When one door closes, another opens” philosophy to… (wait for it)… ‘OPEN THE DOOR’ for online SFS training! Click HERE to see upcoming online SFS options!
For example, you face HUGE ‘Lead Conversion’ issues! So I’m super stoked about our…
SFS: ‘Winning over your caller!’LIVE online seminar!

NOTE: Folks, this is the best SFS training program I’ve ever developed! Even better, you (and your employees) can now ‘transform your business’ right from YOUR location! (No travel!)
In just three quick online hours we’ll do a deep dive into what guru types (not me!) call: “Lead Conversion”! SAY WHAT, Steve? My SFS grads will tell you I never miss a chance to invent a new acronym! So I gotta tell you…
Far too many cleaning and restoration contractors (including YOU?) suffer from ‘FTC’ as in Failure To Convert! This means your marketing (or sometimes plain old ‘serendipity’) A) makes your phone ring, B) you give the caller a price and C)…

Your prospect ‘fades away’ from booking the work with you! Yep! You just got whacked with Failure To Convert (FTC) the home owner into a ‘high profit’ customer! Seriously…
Haven’t YOU been hit (far too often) with these agonizing over-the-phone situations?
1. Your caller asks: “Hi, I’m just calling around to see how much you charge for…?” What do you say? If you don’t ‘convert’ this call you’ll lose thousands of dollars in ‘downstream profits’! Or…
2. You timidly quote a price and your prospect says, “Hmmm… let me check with my husband and I’ll get back to you.” If you meekly hang up you’ll NEVER hear from her again! Even more profits lost forever! Or…

3. The caller hits you with, “Wow… how come I see ads where I can get my whole house done for $99.00 and you want HOW MUCH?” How can you ‘defend’ your pricing while converting this prospect into a regular ‘High Profit Client’?
Sure, many residential cleaners blame the economy, COVID-19 or the good, old, time-honored, “She was just a lousy price shopper and can go to….!” WRONG!
By refusing to tweak their ‘lead conversion’ procedures these clueless cleaners are dooming themselves to a low-profit existence! So very sad! But now let’s focus on YOU!

IF YOU FTC (Fail To Convert) even one phone call you are:
A) Wasting your pro-rated marketing cost invested to make your phone ring and…
B) Losing the immediate cash flow from this job plus…
C) You can forget about the ‘downstream profits’ from this caller becoming a long term repeat client! Even worse…
D) When you FTC this phone call it means you’re likely losing countless 1,000’s of dollars in future ‘High Profit’ Cheerleader referrals. AAARGH!
In my online SFS: Winning over your caller! seminar you’ll get guaranteed solutions to the profit-crushing problems mentioned above and so much more including…
- Four essential SFS: ‘Phone Principles’ for a residential carpet cleaning business!
- Why you don’t need to (and shouldn’t) answer your business phone 24-7!
- How to get your caller to A) not hang up, B) leave a voice mail and C) WAIT for your return call- guaranteed!
- Why you must give your caller the “Illusion of Control’.
- Eleven phone tips to quickly build a professional bond with your caller.
- Why (and how) to immediately ‘Take Ownership’ in the phone conversation.
- Three residential ‘Phone Formats’ to conquer forever the dreaded “How much do you charge?” question.
- How (and why) to hire an employee to close sales with phone callers. (Even for owner-operators!)
- Nine reasons why you should ‘pre-inspect’ 15% of your jobs- and how to identify this ‘High Profit 15%’ on the initial phone call!
- A COVID-inspired script for a ‘no-contact’ over-the-phone video pre-inspection option’. NOTE: This ‘hybrid pre-inspection’ gives you all the benefits of an on-site pre-inspection… right from your own office! (No more time stuck in traffic!)
- How to solve forever the “Lemme check with my husband and I’ll get back to you…” Hidden Price Objection!
- Bonus ‘Lead Conversion’ tactics for when prospects contact you by texting, Facebook Messenger or email.
- Steve’s 5-step script to still make ‘high profits’ from a price-haggling “Can’t you do it for less?” customer.
WHAT? An online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE Seminar (With SFS procedures newly updated for COVID-19!)
WHO? This online seminar will be taught by Steve Toburen, SFS Director of Training and industry ‘Lead Conversion’ expert.
WHEN? CLICK HERE for upcoming SFS dates and times
WHY? A residential cleaner’s ‘lead conversion strategy’ is essential! (And yet too often ignored!) In just three hours this online SFS program will quickly add huge downstream profits to your company.
HOW MUCH? $149.00 (Steve guarantees you’ll more than pay for your entire SFS seminar with your very next “I’m just calling around checking prices…” phone call!)
BONUS #1: 30 days free access to a video of your SFS LIVE seminar and Steve’s PowerPoint presentation.
BONUS #2: You’ll receive dozens of SFS phone and office sales systems and procedures written in Microsoft Word format. You can then easily customize this SFS ‘Business Infrastructure’ to fit your operation! WOO-HOO!
BONUS #3: After-class networking session with your fellow students. You can ask Steve ANYTHING!

NOTE #1: Steve built Strategies for Success based on his own Business Infrastructure which transformed his cleaning and restoration firm into a $1,400,000.00 Critical Mass Business! (A company that ran smoothly with Steve OR, even better, without him!)
Steve says: “Personal Freedom is a wonderful thing! With these turnkey SFS systems and procedures you too can achieve this freedom!”
NOTE #2: Still doubtful SFS Training can transform YOUR business? (We don’t blame you! There is way too much ‘snake oil’ being peddled on the Internet today!) So CLICK HERE to see the ‘transformational power’ of SFS Training in these cleaning and restoration contractor’s lives!)
Sign up now for Steve’s SFS: Winning over your caller! online seminar. Or CLICK HERE to see all your SFS Training options.
Looking forward to the webinar.