Hi Steve,
I was wondering if you had a quality assurance comment form prepared for customers after a restoration job that I could use? Any help is appreciated.
Wondering in Chicago
P.S. I just recently started opening my eyes to the rest of the industry. I appreciate your posts on the ICS board and this SFS.JonDon.com web site. My dad and I will be at the next Strategies at Jon Don in Roselle. We are already signed up and ready to rock!
Dear Wondering,
You know, a comment form for restoration is one thing that SFS and this site in our QuickFIX section doesn’t have. (Not yet anyway!) In my company we just did ours up on company letterhead and asked the basic questions. Was your call handled efficiently? Was the crew prompt and on-time? Did you feel comfortable with our employees in your home? Was the work completed quickly and professionally? Would you recommend our company to others? Comments?
So it is quite easy to come up with a comment form, Wondering. After you have your questions nicely laid out just print it out on company letterhead and send it with a stamped return envelope. Or you can e-mail the comment form to your client along with a personal thank you note. OR EVEN BETTER DO BOTH! (You can’t get too much input from the home owner.)
Just remember that when you get a comment form returned be sure to send it to both the adjuster and agent for their review. As you will learn in SFS the way to make an adjuster Cheerleader that will shamelessly maneuver to get you in on their jobs is to make a Cheerleader out of the home owner. Once an adjuster realizes he or she won’t be getting angry phone calls from people he refers you to they become a literal cash machine for you!
Now, the 64 dollar question: “How do you make a Cheerleader out of a beat-up-on and traumatized restoration client?” Aaaaah, you’ll just have to attend SFS to find out! OR you can download my free Special Report: Restoration Proofing Your Restoration Business.
NOTE: We do have for free download a great Water Damage Customer Interview Form that will help you get things started off right and make a big Cheerleader out of the home owner.
Let me know how you are doing or even better submit your completed comment form to our SFS TIPS program. You just might win big!
P.S: See you soon and I am delighted that you are attending SFS with your Dad. You will both implement much more from the course.
below is our final letter with a reference for survey and then our survey… if you e-mail me at [email protected] I will send you the word doc for this set
Dear «Title» «Last_Name»:
Thank you for calling Multi-Maintenance to restore your home after your recent water loss. This letter is meant to provide a smooth transition between the expert care you have received and the final paperwork. While we understand this has not been an easy process, I hope that we have in some way made this experience bearable and that we have given you personalized and professional service you expected. . Because so many folks have never been involved in this type of situation, I would like to review the remaining few steps:
1) You will receive the final invoice packet after we have completed the restoration of your home.
2) If you paid a deposit to Multi-Maintenance equal to your insurance company deductible, a copy of that check will be scanned and included in the final invoice package. This will help the insurance company, by not deducting the amount of your deductible from any checks they issue.
3) If appropriate, we will send a copy of the final invoice package and report to your insurance agent and/or your adjuster to help expedite payment to you.
4) Please pay Multi-Maintenance Cleaning and Restoration directly. Our terms are net 30 days from the date we sent you your final invoice. I need to emphasize that Multi-Maintenance Cleaning And Restoration is working for you, not your insurance company, and most often the insurance company will pay you directly..
5) Per our work authorization contract with you, if we have not received payment within 30 days of the date of the invoice, we will send you a statement, which will include service fees. To avoid these service fees, we suggest that you immediately contact your insurance agent or adjuster to see if additional paperwork is required to process your claim. Multi-Maintenance Cleaning and Restoration has no influence with your insurance company; – you have a great deal of influence.
6) We need your help; soon you will receive our client survey. Please fill this survey out and mail it back in the post paid envelope. The comments you make, help shape our companies policies. I thank you in advance for your time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me here at the office.
Clifford Grost, Owner
Multi-Maintenance Cleaning and Restoration
our survey
Dear «TitleBillingContact» «LastNameBillingContact»,
Multi-Maintenance recently provided water damage restoration at your home. I thank you for this opportunity to serve you. I understand that this has been a very stressful time for you and your family. Our goal is to provide excellent personalized and professional care that meets or exceeds your expectations. We need your help in meeting this goal. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey and return it in the post-paid envelope. Please share negative as well as positive comments.
Yes No
All phone personnel were knowledgeable? □ □
My initial telephone call was responded to with a sense of urgency? □ □
Were you treated with respect, honesty, and integrity? □ □
All our forms and materials were clear? □ □
If I had questions or concerns I felt I could call Multi-Maintenance anytime. □ □
Did we explain the options you had when restoring your home? □ □
Did we explain any safety or health concerns and precautions? □ □
Did we completely explain the process to be used when restoring your home? □ □
Were your possessions handled in a careful manner? □ □
Yes No
You were informed on the job progress? □ □
The staff was highly skilled and experienced? □ □
Professional equipment designed for the application was used? □ □
The work site was kept tidy and clean? □ □
Would you like to be contacted regarding your comments or concerns? □ □
How would you rate your overall experience with Multi-Maintenance Cleaning and Restoration?
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Very Satisfactory
1 2 3 4 5
How would you rate the quality of the restoration job?
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Very Satisfactory
1 2 3 4 5
What one thing could we do to improve your experience with Multi-Maintenance Cleaning and Restoration?
Other comments?
Please check box if we you do not want us to use your name or comments our advertising. □
Wow, Cliff, that is some great copy. Thanks for sharing and we’ll get this formatted up and put it in our Practical Paperwork section.
PS OK, now for a challenge for the rest of you guys. What are you willing to share from your day-to-day operations? After all, we are all in this together!