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Many of us started out in carpet cleaning. However, due to the low start-up requirements (almost anybody can easily get into carpet cleaning- I did!) the competition can be brutal. And cleaning your carpets is a “discretionary item” so carpet cleaning can get hammered in an economic downturn.
However, as an independent entrepreneur you enjoy the priceless opportunity to choose! You can transform your business with industry niches that are “recession resistant” AND where you can totally beat your competition.
For example, pipes break and homes flood no matter how bad the economy is. And yes, insurance carriers are legally obligated to restore an inundated or smoke-damaged home to its pre-loss condition. Wonderful!
But trouble rears its ugly head … The Restoration industry is not for “the weak of heart”! So how can you find success in this very different business? Will you “differentiate yourself” from the competition? And how can you create “Cheerleader Adjusters” that fight to get you into their losses?
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