Using your vans to recognize great employees

customer-satisfaction-recognitionSo is the spring cleaning rush keeping you busy, busy, busy? Great! And yet are you getting tired, tired, tired? (It is never good when your kids ask, “Mommy, who is that strange man in our dining room?” Been there- done that!)

Yes, if you ever hope to achieve the ever-elusive Personal Freedom you need to hire employees! But “hiring” is only the first step! Your workers also need to be oriented, trained, “held accountable” and yes, sometimes “helped to move on”! But above all else you must MOTIVATE your employees.

Sure, rewarding your employees financially IS important. (Being able to “pay more” is a great reason to “charge more”!) But even more than more money your workers crave RECOGNITION. Sure, you should frequently (every day if possible) tell your staff how much you appreciate them. (Small cash bonuses help too!) But even better is to…

Give your employees “Public Recognition”!

Here is one great “Public Recognition” tip that motivates your techs AND shows off what a customer-focused company you are to everyone that sees your vans:

Make up large (at least 18” x 14”) magnetic signs that say: “I Scored 100% Delighted Customers Last Month!” Then when 100% of a tech’s comment cards and Immediate Quality Check Calls all come in marked “Excellent” or “Good” for the month they get to apply these “100% Delighted” Award signs to their van.

NOTE: Buy extra signs- they occasionally “fly away”! And my thanks to Margret and Richard Huebner of Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Tucson, AZ for this great idea.

When do you announce the winners of your “100% Delighted Customers” monthly contest? At your company Staff Meeting, of course! Remember, it is all about “Public Recognition” and the very best Public Recognition is from their fellow employees! (HERE is another neat “Public R & R” tip.)



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