Like it or not, your phone is your “Business Life Line”. Even so, could you become complacent or even arrogant about answering your phone? As in, “Oh great! Its probably just another lousy Price Shopper! GRRRRR!” Tempting, isn’t it?
Don’t do it! In our online SFS: LIVE seminars I prove that just one “crummy 140 dollar residential carpet cleaning job” can easily blossom into $35,840.00 (or even much more) in ‘downstream’ Cheerleader income! So, NEVER miss a phone call! And yet…
For many having a dedicated phone dispatcher in a commercial office just isn’t possible… yet! So the temptation is to forward your calls to your cell phone. A logical (and cheap) solution? NO and here’s why!
Taking calls/booking jobs on your cell phone while in front of your current client is a HUGE negative Moment of Truth! Plus you are distracted and can’t focus on this call potentially worth $35,840.00! And you are losing production by having to stop and sell… poorly! (OR YOU MISS THE CALL!) So please…
HINT: Get yourself to our 3-hour online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for more info or to register online. (NOTE: You’ll receive over 70 pages of phone ‘scripts’ and procedures for any size operation- written in Word for easy ‘customizing!) But until you can attend…
Set up someone to answer calls and sell/book work when you aren’t available.
Here’s how to do it on a shoestring! NOTE: This system also works well for setting up an after hours/ weekend phone dispatcher in a larger company.
1. Search for a ‘phone friendly’ retired person. This might be your spouse, relative, friend, neighbor or church member. (How about your Mom? Seriously!)
2. Both parties sign a written, ‘clearly defined expectations’ agreement. This simple list should include hours they will be available, how to coordinate between the two of you and of course their compensation. I suggest a modest weekly amount just to be on-call (depending on their hours maybe 150.00 per week) and a modest commission or fee for each job booked.
3. Take your phone dispatcher on a few jobs. Then blow them away by cleaning their home… for free! (Nothing beats an enthusiastic ‘anecdotal testimonial’!)
4. Guide your phone person with a ‘Phone Format’. Don’t lock them in with a rigid script. Instead, a simple outline will convert ‘price shoppers’ into booked jobs!
NOTE: We include a complete no-contact Remote Video Pre-Inspection procedure in our online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. (Convert just ONE caller and you’ll more than pay for your entire SFS class!) Click HERE for upcoming dates…
5. Set up an online scheduling system. This software let’s both of you constantly update your schedule. (For a smaller operation I like Google Calendar and… its FREE!)
6. Now PRACTICE with your new phone salesperson. HINT: Record your phone call and then play it back for your employee. (Painful but productive!) Then have your friends anonymously call you new phone dispatcher and rate their experience.
7. Turn ’em loose! Who knows? Your (very focused) phone person will likely book more jobs than you do! If so, CONGRATULATIONS! As Papa Nick Paolella of Jon-Don fame says, “Hire people smarter than you are and you’ll discover just how smart you are!”
Restoration HINT: Being available on-call 24-7 is even more important with emergency water mitigation. Don’t give your competition the chance to build a relationship with your agents and adjusters! However, if you are just residential you may not need to ALWAYS answer your phone. Here’s how to “sort out” your phone calls!