Do the right thing! In life and on the job.

Over the years our QuickTIPS have explored everything from giving away pet treats to offering a 12 month Spot and Spill warranty on every ScotchGard application. (Or even better get your Retailer partner to include your free 12 month Spot and Spill Warranty on all their new carpet installations!)

All these QuickTIPS have been tested in the field and work great. And yet the guiding principle behind them (and the concept that can lead you to greatness) is quite simple. Allow me to step onto my soapbox for a moment …

The 2,000 year old principle of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” just can’t be can’t be beat in business … or life. So simple, so obvious and yet so hard to consistently achieve. For example …

When approaching the front door pick up the newspaper laying on the front walk and hand it to the customer.

Simple? Definitely. Absolutely stunning to the home owner? Very likely. Sadly, “common courtesy” is very uncommon anymore. So when you (or your employees) bring your clients their newspaper, collect their garbage can from the street or give them a hand with the groceries these are HUGE positive Moments of Truth.

Remember, doing this stuff as a shallow Emotional Manipulation trick won’t work. It won’t be sincere and you won’t be motivated to keep the habit up over time. For true success in business and life you must WANT to treat others with fairness, kindness, respect and (dare I say it?) love.

What’s in it for you and your workers is you start “giving of yourself”? This generous attitude will make the day go by faster, you’ll feel great about yourself AND you will put more money in your pocket! Sounds like “true success” to me!

Steve Toburen

PS: So what little “uncommon courtesies” do you commonly perform for your customers?

Every week we share a timely, practical tip like the above. So if you’re not already signed up for these FREE weekly QuickTIPS, do so now.

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