3 more “required skills” for entrepreneurs – Part II

A couple weeks ago I started a SFS series on important skills that cleaners, restorers and concrete business owners must develop if they’re serious about building a successful business.

Remember, these skills have nothing to do with the technical elements of their businesses. Rather, they are skills that are necessary in order to lead and manage their companies. Last time we talked about Communication and Organization.

Skill #3 Patience – Don’t confuse patience with being weak. Being patient is understanding that not everyone operates the same way you do. And that’s usually a good thing. I find many entrepreneurs are impulsive, shoot-from-the-hip people. (Sound like anyone you know?)

So, while YOU are out “shooting things up” you desperately need someone to fill in the details behind you. This frequently falls to a staff member who takes time to methodically think things through.  Someone who usually takes more time than you to process information, make decisions, and complete tasks. So, although they may not move as fast as you, if they are doing a good job and deadlines are being met, then you just need to be patient with them AND the process they follow!

Skill #4 Discipline – This means maintaining self-control, high standards of character, orderliness, and efficiency in yourself and in your business even when you’re tired or when you just don’t feel like doing something. As the owner of the business, it’s easy to give yourself a “free pass” when it comes to doing things you would never let an employee get away with.

Steve Toburen in the SFS seminar says that entrepreneurs desperately need “accountability”.  For example, how often are you “easy on yourself” by coming in late, leaving early, not filling out paperwork and/or winking at your accountant as you deposit the cash job into your very own personal “Hip National Bank”? The list goes on and on.

The problem?  We do these things thinking our employees aren’t watching, or that the will not base their behavior based on the bad examples we’re setting. But trust me- your people ARE watching and “adjusting” their behavior. After all, if the boss does it… So being disciplined in business is doing the things you know you should be doing even when nobody’s watching, or when you can’t “get written up” for not doing them.

Skill #5 Execution – One definition of “execute” is “to create or produce in accordance with an idea, plan, or blueprint.” In business it’s all about accomplishing results, completing tasks, implementing plans. Execution is pulling the trigger on decisions even when you’re scared or don’t feel like it, following through on your promises, meeting business objectives. After all, think about it…

The opposite of execution is procrastination. And make no mistake about it- procrastination is delaying success. It’s no mistake that the words “execution” and “executive” have the same root word. YOU as an executive simply MUST execute!

In my next SFS Instructor’s Blog post we’ll focus in on the management side of your company.  I’ll share my thoughts on how to build a more successful carpet cleaning, janitorial, restoration or concrete surfacing business.

Chuck Violand (more about Chuck)
SFS Instructor
CEO Violand Management Associates

Click here for part 3 in this series: More skills to be a better business owner

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