Good morning, Steve,

I’m wanted to let you and the SFS team know that things are going well and yes- Strategies for Success really works! Thanks to your SFS program “kicking us in the pants” we just landed a maintenance contract that includes seven buildings with the eighth coming online soon! (We also have three more nice size proposals that look very promising.)
We have been very busy and are growing. I must confess I haven’t been doing sales calls like I was after the SFS seminar. However, I still have one day a week dedicated to marketing and I have joined a BNI group. So, on Tuesdays I attend weekly meetings, work our retailer route, and do carpet cleaning inspections for new residential and commercial cleaning prospects. BNI has also given us many networking opportunities outside of the weekly meetings.
We continue to build our commercial contracts and our encapsulation maintenance routes. As soon as we got back from SFS we started the route with a local carpet retailer. We stop in monthly at no charge, spend about four hours a quarter encapsulating the offices and showroom, maintaining the white Karastan wool display area, and cleaning the tile/grout (the hours are great we, start at 5:00 pm). This “freebie” has certainly not hurt our bottom line. I must also tell you, a spritz of Fresh Wave IAQ and the gel have helped our Real Estate agency business and the Residential folks like it too.

Things are going well with our residential too. Payne and I are finding it increasingly difficult to “not” sell carpet protector. Especially if we offer a clean only price, a clean and protect price and then zip our lip. What a deal, we keep quiet and let the homeowner do the sales work…very efficient!
With referrals from our flooring retailers, our Cheerleader Customers and our BNI group we seldom miss a sale when we do an inspection. Our next residential task is your Stay Beautiful program. I probably should have started it sooner but “Rome wasn’t built in a day”!
Our website is up and running. With the help of Robin and our web guy we will continue to tweak it. Our next task is Facebook and LinkedIn!
We are now looking for new employees. (More uncharted water!) I’m not too worried! Your Strategies for Success program has helped us get this far and I am sure will continue.
Thanks again
Jerry Grant
P.S. Steve, I have not retired my necktie that I use on all my sales calls!