Fewer jobs… more money?

man filling work calendar

“Say what, Steve? You mean LESS customers will make me MORE net profit? Are you crazy?”

Sioux has been questioning my sanity for almost 50 years! So, maybe I really am “crazy”! But yes… ABSOLUTELY! Schedule more work at fewer jobs per day and your net profits will explode! Here’s why:

Fewer jobs per day means 1) less driving between jobs (windshield time is dead time), 2) fewer set-ups per day (much more efficient) and 3) a smaller number of relationships to build. (I LOVE making ‘Customer Cheerleaders’ but needy clients can be super ‘time intensive’!) Therefore…

Book one less job per day!

This means if your target is five ‘average’ residential cleaning schedule four. If you normally book four homes now do three, etc. Another huge advantage of an easier daily schedule? Your techs won’t be exhausted so they’ll eagerly handle high-profit ‘same day’ and emergency work.

1. Inform the world. Let prospective clients know about the ‘Additional Service Options’ (ASO’s) you offer. I tell every SFS class: “Your customers can’t buy it if they don’t know you provide it!” IThis means you should include your ASO’s in your van signage, in your Facebook ads and on your website.

NOTE: HERE’s why I banned the phrase ‘up-sell’ in SFS Training!

2. Bring ASO’s up when scheduling the work. AFTER booking the job your phone people should say, “By the way, Mrs. Jones, while at your home next Tuesday our techs can also…” Then clearly list out their ASO choices. (Consider giving your office staff a small spiff (5%?) for additional work they pre-book over the phone.)

More training:  You and/or your employees will learn 100’s of creative ‘Lead Conversion’ strategies in our 3-hour online SFS: ‘Winning over your caller’ LIVE seminar. Click HERE for more info and upcoming dates…

3. Email out a ‘confirmation check list’. This will include a ‘home prep’ check list along with a separate landing page link for each Additional Service Option you offer. Download your free editable “How to get ready for us” email template HERE. You’ll be amazed how many home owners will call back and say, “I’d also like to have the…”

4. Dramatically increase your tech’s ASO bonus. (This only applies to work that hasn’t been pre-sold by the office.) Now your on-location employees will be super motivated! BONUS! Rested techs (they’re doing one less job a day) will be eager to (gently) promote additional work.

NOTE: In-home sales go much smoother with great employees. I share tons of new ‘recruiting’ tactics in our 3-hour, online SFS: ‘Hiring the Very Best’! LIVE seminar! Click HERE to learn more

Let’s talk about how your techs can tactfully offer (and sell) ASO’s to home owners real soon!


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