An all new SFS?

Little did I realize way back in 1995 that our tiny little baby we named Strategies for Success would become an industry standard!  But that first SFS class has morphed into the industry’s flagship management & marketing seminar with many thousands of graduates.  And it’s been a huge privilege for your SFS team to be your “Partners for Success”.

But business (and life) is all about change and over the years we’ve seen huge changes in our industry. Even our SFS grads (who are the best of the best) have felt the pressure and we’re responding with an all new Strategies for Success!  You’ve told us you want:

More turnkey systems and procedures and…

More follow-up training for your employees along with…

More help in diversifying into a more stable company plus…

More resources for restoration and building service contractors AND …

More consulting and support from your SFS instructors.  Wow!  You folks don’t want much, do you?  Well, guess what?  YOU GOT IT!

That right, we have totally torn down and reworked our SFS program from the ground up!  (Don’t worry, the core Value Added Service concepts Jon-Don and SFS stand for will never change.)  But I’m informally calling our new program SFS: Solutions/Freedom/Success because that is what we’re going to bring you- FREEDOM!

We’re finding more and more cleaners and restorers have achieved “success” … sort of.  These hardworking entrepreneurs have built their company up over the years, make good money and have 5, 10, 15 or more employees.  BUT they still don’t have a “Critical Mass” business– one that will run with them OR without them!  (They still aren’t “free” and yet that is WHY these brave entrepreneurs went into business in the first place!)

So this is why our new SFS Training Options will give you more turnkey tools than you imagined possible to ‘reinvent’ your company.  In the process I guarantee you will rediscover the simple joy of owning (and building) a world class operation.  Not to mention you will have the ‘template’ to become wealthy instead of just “owning a job”!  Big words!  How is your SFS team going to deliver?  I’m glad you asked!  Your new SFS: Solutions/Freedom/Success program will include:

• With SFS: Business Transformation you’ll receive a 4GB USB “Business on a flash drive” packed with thousands of turnkey, tested “plug and play” business forms, procedures, systems, marketing resources and manuals- all ready to be adapted and implemented in your company PLUS…

• Free one-on-one online consulting with industry experts Steve Toburen and Bill Yeadon

So puhleeease, carefully reflect on this one thought:  “You’ve spent years building your company.  Isn’t it worth investing five days (or even just two days) more to take it to the next level?”  But don’t listen to me- check with Doug Moerschbacher or Jennifer Donley or Tom Barr or Wayne Bailey or Mike Lamunyon or … well, you get the idea!  (Or see what 100’s of our other SFS graduates have said about their experience and this was with the “old SFS”.)

So it is up to you. You have worked hard and have much to be proud of.  Yet even so wouldn’t it be worth investing a few days of your time to cut years off your agonizing ‘learning curve’?  Why not stand on the shoulders of thousands of others who have ‘gone before you’?  We all want to help IF you will let us!

Steve Toburen

PS What do you have to lose? Call 800-400-9473 today and tell them you want to transform your business! (And your life too!)

2 thoughts on “An all new SFS?”

  1. We are happy to be working with Chuck Violand and his team right now, but I’m missing SFS. I can’t wait to see what the new SFS has to hold especially since what you said seems to EXACTLY describe where we are….striving to get that critical mass. I just don’t think I can wait a whole year (Sept. 2014) to attend again in Philly. Getting away from the kids overnight for a week is a challenge. Miss you!!!!


  2. Come on, Meg. You CAN do it! Time for those kiddies to grow up! You’ve got Salem in just a couple weeks and Frank Kuse is holding a seat open for you! See you soon!

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