So one of the trademarks of our four different SFS options is we inundate you with ideas, resources and procedures! GREAT except… sometimes our students and readers get a bit “overwhelmed”!
So here are some of our most popular (and useful) QuickTIPS:
Desperate for winter time work? Use an excuse to “reach out” to your clients! And if that doesn’t work…
Jump start your winter work with “The Law of Massive Action”! And to get them to not postpone their cleaning…
This ready-to-insert-your-name-and-print-out “12 Month Spot and Spill Warranty” for carpet protector.
Got commercial? Then “cross market” your residential cleaning to your account’s employees. How to get those commercial jobs?
Morph yourself into a “consultant” with this Commercial Carpet Analysis form.
Traumatized insureds desperately want to feel in control. So explain (and show) the “Why And What” as you work!
A restoration contractor’s biggest challenge? The dreaded “Heightened Awareness” Syndrome!
You didn’t ask your spouse to marry you on your first date! So why not do a “trial hire” with prospective employees?
And if your new hire doesn’t work out? Gently encourage “marginal employees” to move on with their life.
Working Safe
One simple “working safe” question to constantly ask. (And five Safety Principles)
You can’t make money stuck in a ditch! (Or worse!) Five great winter driving tips on how to (safely) get to the job!
NOTE: The above TOP TEN QuickTIPS won’t help if you are DEAD! So please focus on my six “How to Avoid a Silent Killer” reminders.
The cleaning and restoration industry was very good to me. THANK YOU for letting me share my boneheaded business blunders (and how I recovered from them) with you! After all, this is where my QuickTIPS come from!
It is a privilege for your SFS to help improve our industry, your business and just maybe your life! Thanks again!
PS My favorite saying? “We’re all in this together!” So please, send me your comments, QuickTIP ideas, suggestions and even complaints to [email protected]
NOTE: Want to review ALL of our QuickTIPS? CLICK HERE for our QuickTIPS Archive.