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Recent QuickTIPS:
- Get them out from behind the desk!
- Frozen pipes = Big money IF you “do it right”!
- Avoiding the “Mirror Test” in hiring employees
- Divide your water losses into two “phases”
- Silently remind your client about buying protector
- Cleaning carpets in winter- YUCK!
- How to get carpet store’s cleaning referrals …
- Give your customer multiple ‘reminder options’
- Dump your “Fear of Rejection”!
- End your “missing tool” problem forever!
- Steve’s Top 5 “Grow Your Business TIPS”
- Winning over a traumatized fire or water damage client!
- Make a ‘Preemptive Strike’ on your client!
- Ban the phrase “Traffic Lanes”
- Quit making your last minute callers feel guilty!
- Cut your home owner complaints by placing this “Spot and Stain Card” after the cleaning!
- Why (and how) to market to your commercial account’s employees
- Cut your stress with Red Tags!
- Give your clients the “why and what”
- The best (and cheapest) employee motivation? Recognition!
- Write their name down IMMEDIATELY!
- The why and how of “Thank You”
- Stop “looming” over your customer!
- Two carpet cleaning techs instead of a solo employee?
- Grab those “BF’s” and “PUD’s”
- Market to “underserved” carpet cleaning sectors
- Never “bicker” over how you measure
- Better than a business card?
- Giving more “R&R” to your employees
- Make a “day before” phone call
- Gently ‘encourage’ marginal employees to move on!
- Avoid negative cell phone Moments of Truth
- Consider part time instead of full time workers
- Got more time than money?
- Never “present”- RECOMMEND!
- Use “Creative Scheduling” for commercial accounts
- Why you should ban the phrase “No problem”!
- “Seeing” is selling…
- Always be “on time”!
- Don’t “surprise” me!
- Do the right thing! In life and on the job.
- Rewarding your real estate agent Referral “Hubs”
- How to gracefully flip your customer’s “Thank you”!
- Make a new employee into a Cheerleader
- Can you impress your client with a flashlight?
- Poker chips create positive ‘Moments of Truth’ in a carpet cleaning pre-inspection.
- WHO is your worst enemy? And WHAT to do about it!
- Add “Technician Accountability” with Job Site Inspections
- Your greatest business challenge? ‘Displacement Activities’!
- A great “prop” to explain why worn areas don’t respond well to carpet cleaning
- Pre-orient/ educate your carpet cleaning clients
- Desperate carpet cleaner or smart niche marketer?
- Don’t “order” your clients around!
- Search out your Restoration Customer’s concerns
- How to get positive online carpet cleaning reviews
- Creating Cheerleaders through courteous driving …
- Efficiency and safety through labels
- Turn a “cold call” into a “warm call”
- Dealing with the “How much?” question…
- Motivate your cleaning employees with a weekly contest for Scotchgard “up-sells”!
- Feature your “Turbo Cheerleaders” online!
- Banning the “E-word”- Help your prospective customers focus on more than price!
- Beware of “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”
- Always “plant a seed” before leaving…
- Words you hate to hear: “Oh… is that all? I thought it would be MUCH more!”
- A simple card to warn (and soothe) your carpet cleaning customer
- Build a photo album of your most “dramatic” work
- Be a neighborhood “Good Guy”!
- Painful but very productive
- Boost your technician’s morale!
- Help honest cleaners stay honest with “Employee Accountability”
- 1 display of care plus 2 simple gifts equals guaranteed Cheerleaders
- Give away “booties” and make a Cheerleader!
- ‘Pre-introduce’ your techs to your client BEFORE they arrive!
- “Progress Photos” Improve Restoration Customer Relations
- Personal hygiene wins Cheerleaders
- Build morale with “Date Night” certificates!
- Never leave a commercial cleaning account’s door unlocked again …
- Big Brother is watching…
- How to perform “triage” in major water damage events
- New cotton “towels”! Carpet cleaners should never use (or say the word) “rags” on the job!
- Laugh more, enjoy each day AND your great carpet cleaning career!
- Use foam block ‘bumpers’ for moving furniture with ‘care and concern’
- Surviving winter’s challenges!
- Be a “Concerned Consultant” for your carpet cleaning clients
- Sell more ASO’s by “fading away”…
- Don’t let ’em get away!
- Close more sales with “flexible payment” options
- Help out a local kid while you save time, money AND irritation!
- Keeping your equipment shiny and pristine!
- Do you follow a 5-Step introduction sequence?
- Place your Air Movers correctly to get more residential carpet cleaning work
- HOW (and WHY) to raise your prices!
- Can you be ‘too busy’?
- Help your workers to stop ‘limping’!
- How to increase your employee’s self esteem
- The why (and how) of firing a marginal worker
- Why (and how) to reward your staff with Employee Recognition
- How to achieve ‘Balanced Efficiency’ on a residential job
- Slow down- sell more!
Didn’t have time to read while on IPhone but can’t wait to get back to office to read!
Smart move, Billy! I love our QuickTIPS but even I wouldn’t want to read all of them archived at the same time on an Iphone! Please chime in with your comments and suggestions. Welcome aboard!
PS Don’t forget our continuously running QuickTIPS contest. I’d like to see your ideas. As I always say, “We’re all in this together”!
This will be a really big help to get all of the training that I need in one place, instead of running around the country. Thanks, and I will be in touch soon and often