Giving more “R&R” to your employees
The more “public” your R&R the more impact it has with an employee. Here is an easy way for clients and coworkers to publicly R&R your employees’ efforts.
The more “public” your R&R the more impact it has with an employee. Here is an easy way for clients and coworkers to publicly R&R your employees’ efforts.
Improve your worker’s sense of self worth and you will create long term employees who love their job.
Let’s be honest here. Few people brag about being a carpet cleaning tech! So Steve says you must motivate your employees with “Public Recognition”. (And get some free marketing for your company at the same time!)
Water damage expert Ivan Turner shares how he got out of of paying a King’s Ransom to plumbers. Now they happily share their referrals for free! Find out how Ivan achieved this state of Business Bliss …
With so many fancy advanced marketing schemes it is easy to get sidetracked away from some tried and true basics. Take a look at this simple and economical marketing campaign that targets your local market and it is FREE!
The local news is always of interest. Make your name known throughout your company’s territory via the local newspaper. A SFS member shares a sample Press Release.