The destructive results of “Owner Arrogance”

It takes a healthy self-confidence to open and run a small business today. But Chuck Violand reminds you to not let this confidence morph into destructive pride and arrogance.

What can a carpet cleaner learn from the “Three Stooges?”

The “Three Stooges”? (We’re not talking about Chuck Violand, Big Billy Yeadon and Steve Toburen of SFS fame!) Nope, Chuck says that we learn how to avoid “Paralysis by Analysis” from Larry, Moe and Curly!

How I promoted my carpet cleaning business at my BNI group by ripping Steve Toburen’s stuff off!

They say “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. If so, SFS member Dave Pastor very “sincerely” likes our SFS Director of Training. Read how Dave blew away his local BNI group by sharing a few key SFS ideas. Then learn how you can use these same concepts in your company. (Even without attending SFS!)

The Burdicks build for their future by looking beyond truck mounts, RX-20’s and chemicals in “Meg’s Story” (Part 5)

The best industrial cleaning equipment, supplies and truck mounts are not enough. Even with the services of a local business consultant Meg and John Burdick are learning that growing a small cleaning business requires lots of hard work and planning …

Even carpet cleaners have to “start with the end in mind” … Meg’s Story (Part 4)

Hopefully you still feel becoming a professional carpet cleaner was a great career decision! Very probably you are making more money now than you ever believed possible. Congratulations! BUT far too many carpet cleaning entrepreneurs forget that eventually “everyone leaves”. In this installment of “Meg’s Story” the Burdicks start focusing on their “exit strategy” …