yp.com for Cleaners & Restorers: Getting Started

YP.com may not be as popular as other Local Ad Networks, but it is still a trusted name among business directories, both online and off.

Yahoo! Local Listings for Cleaners & Restorers: Getting Started

Great online marketing is more than just having a fantastic web site. You must also develop a cohesive and consistent presence with many different online directories. Yahoo! is a great option and its FREE! Read on to learn how to get started…

Creating Cheerleaders with “Magic Squares”

Let’s face it- in residential cleaning (or even more in restoration) it is all about “Putting on a show”! In this QuickTIPS we break down just why this “dog and pony show” matters so much.

Attention all cleaners- Go beyond Google Places

Big Billy Yeadon thought he was actually catching up on his social media skills as a member of Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Twitter. However, for cutting edge orientation he defers to social media marketing guru John Jantsch. Here are 5 ideas that cleaners can easily apply…