The Three A’s – Part 3: Affability

Are you nice to your customers? Who isn’t? But are you affable? In the speed of today’s business world being pleasant, friendly or sociable is a luxury many business owners feel that they just can’t afford. Chuck reviews why cleaners and restorers need a little bit of “bedside manner”.

Frustrated with the “new” generation of employees?

It may be the most common lament from SFS members- “These young people don’t want to work like I did when I was young!” True … AND False. Big Billy shares two expert views of the “Millenials” entering the workplace…

Did you know your carpet cleaning technicians are “addicts”?

You would never knowingly hire a heroin addict, would you? And yet you are allowing another equally insidious addiction to continue without trying to stamp it out. Steve shares one sure-fire (but very painful) “tough love” approach …