We all need a little “feedback” …

Many cleaning techs are from the Millennial generation and so they expect “feedback”. Do they need to “quit whining and man up” or are your young techs correct in expecting communication from the boss? Big Billy Yeadon shares some thoughts …

“Baking bread” by developing your cleaning/restoration business managers OR maybe just yourself!

There is a very thin line between “controlled delegation of authority”(good) and “total abdication of responsibility”(bad)! Chuck Violand has been reflecting on this struggle as he engages in his favorite hobby- baking bread!

The deadly trap of “assuming” when hiring carpet cleaning/restoration managers …

Many times your job applicants aren’t liars. However, they may be “overly optimistic”. Other times they may be simply clueless! This is bad enough when hiring a new technician. But it can be disastrous for your carpet cleaning business when you take a managerial applicant’s previous work experience at face value …

So what type of crew members do you want to employ on your carpet cleaning “sail boat”?

What type of employees do you want? Easy, you say, “The very best!” Not so fast here. Chuck Violand shares how the size of your company will determine the profile of the employee you want to go “sailing” with you on some very choppy cleaning business seas!

How can you motivate your carpet cleaning or restoration employees?

Do you like your job? Do your techs and office staff like their jobs? Do you know OR are you afraid to ask them? Insights to both their and your motivations can give some engaging and maybe even frightening answers …

Which type of carpet cleaning business “boat” will you choose to sail on?

Chuck Violand has been kicking off the Strategies for Success seminar for the last couple of years reflecting on his love of boats … and how different business models are like varied boats- all of which require different skills and tactics to avoid a tragic shipwreck. So which type of boat are you skippering? Check back in frequently to see Chuck’s latest thoughts …