Avoiding “Swarm Management” with a “good fit”- Part IV
Chuck winds up his series on “Swarm Management” by reminding us that generosity can doom your company. Instead, practice “tough love” by hiring based on the tasks ahead.
Chuck winds up his series on “Swarm Management” by reminding us that generosity can doom your company. Instead, practice “tough love” by hiring based on the tasks ahead.
Need help getting organized (or staying so)? Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you fear Swarm Management has become part of your company.
As a company grows, it’s easy to lose control. If you aren’t careful the company morphs into a creature that nobody recognizes and is neither efficient nor a fun place to work at!
Chuck reflects on kids flailing away in pee-wee soccer (which is cute) and then translates this playing style to your company. Cute in business? Not so much…
The next time you think you can put one over on your people with fast talk and elaborate excuses, think again.
Regardless if you are speaking to senior managers, secretaries, technicians, or sales reps, they all need these 3 common elements when we ask them to do something new.
Chuck addresses a few of the underlying causes of the “bottleneck” between what we ask for AND what actually gets done in our companies.
Whether it’s “free air” or free speech or freedom of choice, each freedom has a “cost/benefit ratio”.
Chuck Violand says we are all products of our parent’s attitudes about money and wealth. But maybe it is time you “grow up” and break free!
Many restoration owners get derailed in their search for success. Why? Chuck goes deep inside the human psyche for answers that we can use everyday.
In nearly 20 years of working with small business owners I’ve discovered this much: The root of profitability is deeply embedded between the ears of the owner.
With this part 4 I’m finally done pontificating about the “Curse of Wishful Thinking”. But my final “wishful thinking” trap may be the most dangerous of all …
Can a small business owner be toooo optimistic in their view of future sales? You better believe it! Chuck warns us of the dangers in “gonna sales.”
Chuck reminds us to make an honest assessment of our clients and then have the courage to fire the ones that are “non-performing”…
Facing the real data in your business frequently means somebody is going to have to make some tough decisions. Since you’re the guy who signs the checks- that “somebody” is probably YOU!