Welcome to a great industry …
Steve reminisces about his start in the Cleaning and Restoration Industry many years ago. He offers both new and experienced owner/operators his advice for success.
Steve reminisces about his start in the Cleaning and Restoration Industry many years ago. He offers both new and experienced owner/operators his advice for success.
Believe it or not, many folks from “outside” think this is an industry worth investing in. Steve shares a little start-up advice with one budding carpet cleaning entrepreneur …
Let’s see if we can help a “new boy” in Reno. He started out on the right track by picking a great industry IF he “does it right” …
When your starting out, any work is a blessing. Read Steve’s advice to one sub-contractor.
Steve focuses on what is probably the most common and certainly most agonizing question facing carpet cleaning owner-operators …
Working commercial night jobs can be physically exhausting and emotionally demoralizing. See what Steve recommends to one poor soul who has had enough …
When the boss decides to start working on the business instead of on the truck, this leaves a gaping hole … Such are the pains of success!! Steve offers his insights.
All of us (and especially you solo owner operators) should think about the fragile line between good health and winding up disabled in just one instant. And we’re not just talking health. Instead, think what would happen to your family’s economic security if you lose one, two, three or more months of work …
Business is going great! Now there are big questions on the horizon. What to do next?
A Big Sky country janitorial business owner gets cold feet over his carpet cleaning endeavor. Steve reminisces on his days getting started in the carpet cleaning industry and points to light at the end of the tunnel. We all had our first cleaning job, didn’t we?
Steve Toburen weighs in on how to create a “beautiful” company that will attract high-end clients, long term employees and most importantly a business buyer that is lusting to possess your company!
This information has been tested and refined over the last thirty years. First by me and now for the last ten-plus years by our over 2,000 SFS members.
Choose your own path to business growth. This report helps you avoid common pitfalls while finding the path that best suits you and your life goals.
Build a niche by specializing in fixing fine fabric problems. Are you ready for the lucrative world of fine fabric cleaning?
You can make a lot of money in cleaning and restoration. But will it be enough for you to retire in style? Take steps now to provide for the day you leave your business. Steve gives his recommendations on how to “clean up”.