Are You a “Lone Wolf”? Should You Be?
Can you be successful without enduring the inevitable agonies of hiring employees? Absolutely. But if you fly solo you must make a few adjustments.
Can you be successful without enduring the inevitable agonies of hiring employees? Absolutely. But if you fly solo you must make a few adjustments.
You don’t need (or even want to be) a national company. As you well know lots of people don’t like the “big boys” and prefer the local “little guy”. So don’t let yourself be intimidated!
The starting point to gain focus in your business today is to have a crystal clear vision of where your company is headed tomorrow. The vision I’m talking about doesn’t have to be fancy and it doesn’t have to be framed and hung on a wall.
This website has lots of hidden treasure IF you just dig for them, but we don’t “sell” our SFS Operations Manual.
Water mitigation expert Ivan Turner shares why blindly following the crowd is dangerous. Plus he shares some innovative restoration marketing ideas learned from the late Sam Walton…
Steve reflects on where far too many hardworking business owners are in this industry AND how to get out of the “all alone” trap. And then if that doesn’t motivate you- what the heck is the “T-Bone Trap”?
Your very best “Strategic Partner” is Jon-Don and the SFS program! But what other options are out there?
Employees “get on board” much more easily if they’ve helped design your “business choo-choo”. So bring one or more key people with you to our SFS seminar!
You have spent years building a good company- why not invest 5 days in 2013 to make it truly great AND in the process discover new personal freedom?
Are you are stuck in the vortex of the technician mentality? You CAN “reboot” your business and your life! The real question is HOW? Pay attention here…
Steve reflects over the last 16 years AND introduces an all-new-from-the-ground-up SFS. Even better- he shares how to save $580.00 by acting NOW!
Zig Ziglar has written 29 books throughout his life. Born To Win takes those 29 books and boils them down to the basics. If you want to be a winner then you need to follow these basics and principles.
Guest contributor Ivan Turner weighs in with reflections on a dangerous proverb…
Sooner or later most of you will hire an employee(s). Much of the time your new hire will be an unmitigated disaster! SFS member John Mapes shares a great hiring tip…
Too many cleaners stumble through life flitting from one business model to another. So here’s a starting out checklist of business and life model options.