Timidly entering the commercial arena …

Many carpet cleaners are fighting off the “residential recession blues” by entering the contract commercial area. But writing the business proposal is a bit intimidating for many of our Site Members. Steve throws a life-line out to one hard working but frustrated carpet cleaner …

Never leave a commercial cleaning account’s door unlocked again …

Nothing is worse than a raving angry call from a regular commercial carpet cleaning customer who discovers your crew left his or her business unlocked all night! Stop this particular nightmare forever with this week’s “quickTIP” …

Can I charge a premium for after hours commercial cleaning work?


Just a short question.  I’ve always felt like I should be able to charge a premium rate for night or weekend work. However, when I bring this idea up to other carpet cleaners they act like I’ve hit on their mother!  What did you do and if you did charge more, how much over your regular rates was it and did you get any resistance?

Perplexed in Toledo

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Scared by the “big bid”?

Large scale institutional work can provide a great “base” for your business. Or it can destroy it! Steve gives some great “look before you leap” counsel that any company can use …

How to avoid getting hung out to dry on commercial carpet cleaning without a key …

Have you been stuck waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for your contact to show up and lock up after you finish a commercial carpet cleaning account? Nothing is more irritating and frustrating. If it has happened to you then you will “feel his pain” as a Salt Lake city carpet cleaner shares the typical “key boondoggle” …

Using “Show and Sell” to get new commercial accounts!

“Reach out” to commercial property managers by discovering and then fixing their problem areas- for FREE! Steve shares four proactive “show and tell” secrets that will win you long term contracts…