How to skillfully pitch your commercial carpet cleaning services

Preparation is key to any sales presentation. What tools are required for making the big sale in commercial carpet cleaning? What should be avoided? Bill Yeadon offers his insights to closing the BIG sale.

How commercial “encapsulation” cleaning transformed my company!

VAST instructor, Jeff Cutshall, not only will dramatically improve your technician’s attitudes and actions in the customer’s home- he also runs his own commercial carpet cleaning business. Jeff shares how his company has cleaned up big time with “encapsulation” and just why you should get on board …

The world of steady, profitable commercial work is really tempting me!

Regular cash flow, your very own production schedule, a steadily appreciating asset and best of all … less interaction with an at times difficult and demanding residential customer. So what’s not to like? Will this carpet cleaner’s dreams of profit in commercial maintenance work be fulfilled? Steve Toburen gives his prognosis …

Developing Contract Commercial Carpet Maintenance Programs

Learn how to sell and set up regular commercial contract cleaning accounts. Download Big Billy Yeadon’s ideas on how to develop these essential commercial maintenance programs.

Big Billy Yeadon asks: “How up-to-date are you in your carpet cleaning knowledge?”

If you are looking for a leg up on the competition (especially in the regular contract commercial carpet cleaning field) just use Shaw Carpet’s MAC learning site to expand your cleaning knowledge. Bill Yeadon shares the details here …

“What can I do to pay the bills till my carpet cleaning business kicks in?”

In a perfect world your first clients would all be clamoring for clean carpets BEFORE you even open your doors for business. Surprise! It doesn’t work that way, as one slightly disillusioned Kansas City carpet cleaner is finding out …

Opportunities abound everywhere for selling professional commercial carpet cleaning!

Read how SFS members Larry and Elissa Holder patiently (and sneakily) sowed the seeds that just may lead to some HUGE commercial carpet cleaning contracts from the U.S. government!

4 Reasons to Get Serious About Cleaning Commercial Carpet

Commercial Cleaning still requires you to address unique Emotional Dynamics. However Value Added Service is still just as important. Jeff Cutshall offers you his help to make a living in the Commercial Carpet Cleaning market.

How to find the “OK cleaning price” in OK?

Ah yes, the eternal question: “How do I ‘bid’ a job at the ‘right price’?” (Which means low enough that the manager does not fall out of his chair laughing when reading your proposal but high enough to make a profit.) Steve shares a 4 step “pricing for profit” system …

Too high? Too low? HELP!

A new carpet cleaner is getting whip-sawed from both sides. Steve tries to bring a bit of sanity and balance to the eternal question, “How much should I charge?”

Commercial proposal butterflies …

Our Strategies for Success member has captured the interest of a big commercial account. But he finds actually generating the proposal to be a daunting task. But fear not! Steve rides to the rescue with a step-by-step answer …