A truckmount without carpet cleaning chemicals onboard is just a really heavy anchor!
Get the most out of your carpet cleaning labor force. Check out this system for increasing production, saving time and avoiding headaches.
Get the most out of your carpet cleaning labor force. Check out this system for increasing production, saving time and avoiding headaches.
One wanna-be entrepreneur asks Steve what to watch out for in buying a carpet cleaning business. Steve’s answers may surprise and shock you. If so, they may be just the wake up call you need to successfully sell your company in the future …
Can you show genuine concern for the customer’s belongings and protect yourself at the same time? This procedure shows how.
Everyone TALKS about giving “good customer service.” But few people actually DO anything about it! Change this destructive habit with this great “employee orientation” procedure. Even better, the download is FREE!
Everywhere you go and every commercial transaction you make should be examined with your “Customer Eyeglasses”. For example, notice what Steve took out of a recent (and very sudden) sojourn to Brooklyn, New York …
One of our favorite SFS acronyms: “KISS” as in: “Keep It Simple, Sally”! Sometimes even the simplest of gestures can make the biggest impressions. Here is one “tasty” Cheerleader making idea to implement with your staff …
How can you build a “caring attitude” into your cleaning company’s “communication infrastructure”? First things first- LISTEN! Second, take action. Here’s how…
Delegation is essential whether you are a small owner-operator or run a multi-truck operation. Learn the “why and how” in part two of a series I call: Delegating or Shirking? You make the call!
Cleaning the customer’s ceiling fan blades can benefit you in multiple ways …
Learn how to take advantage of a golden opportunity to nail down the date for your next visit.
Are you tired of trying to be “all things to all men”? You aren’t the only one struggling with business identity crisis…
Easy, simple, free marketing. How? Simple- make it easy for people passing by your service vehicle to take your number with them.
IF your customer takes the time and effort to complain, don’t ignore them and NEVER patronize them. You might even actually LISTEN and learn some valuable stuff. American Airlines just hasn’t got the message.
This little nugget is a great reminder of how important the details are when Making the Cheerleader.