I don’t want to be rich- will SFS help me?

Steve applauds a Florida carpet cleaners decision to focus on his family instead of searching for riches. So can the Strategies for Success seminar help a “little guy” that just wants to stay small?

American Airlines files Chapter 11- so what?

American Airlines was once the largest airline in the world and it now is struggling to survive. Anyone that has flown them over the past year could see the signs- in the AA employees! So can you learn an important lesson from AA’s sad example?

Focusing on the “right” cleaning business goals (Part 2)

Growth for the sake of bragging rights is meaningless, dangerous and might just possibly be fatal to your company. Chuck focuses on how to find the right numbers and how to make them even better.

How much do you charge to be a SFS “member”?

Dedicating 5 days to the SFS seminar (and gaining SFS membership) IS a big investment. Is it worth it? You be the judge after reviewing what is included…

Al Paulsen: “I was too stubborn to cut off my ponytail!”

Before I attended SFS I was on my way to “partial retirement”. But the things I learned from the SFS program really moved it along. I now take about 16 weeks of vacation a year and the business just “keeps on keeping on”!

The destructive results of “Owner Arrogance”

It takes a healthy self-confidence to open and run a small business today. But Chuck Violand reminds you to not let this confidence morph into destructive pride and arrogance.

Tom Barr uses SFS concepts to “clean up” in restoration.

Ex-paratrooper Tom Barr took the scariest “jump” of his life several years ago when he opened Platinum Restoration. Now Platinum is thriving and Tom credits much of his success to attending SFS twice!

David Gargan discovers “cleaning freedom”!

Industry veteran David Gargan just loved the physical act of cleaning carpets … until he hit the big 4-0! Learn how Dave “broke free from the wand” and discovered the wonderful gift of personal time with his family.