Can you help me to “forward schedule”?

Steve does the old “good news/bad news” routine with an Australian carpet cleaner. But even Steve’s “tough love” is positive for this family run business…

Help me implement the Stay Beautiful program!

Steve gives his quick review of what the Stay Beautiful program is and how it works. Use this program to 1) retain your customers, 2) maintain cash flow and 3) raise the value of your business.

So can I build a business that will run without me “pushing a wand”?

Are you enjoying the lifestyle benefits of living in the countryside? GREAT! This small town carpet cleaner asks, “Can I build a ‘real business’ in a market base of only 30,000 people?” Steve shares how he did it …

Should carpet cleaners accept credit cards?

One veteran professional carpet cleaner in California has been debating the pros and cons of offering the credit card payment option to his clients. Steve helps him realize he has already sub-consciously decided …

Steve’s “Bleeding Hearts” Advice Column Directory

Steve Toburen answers pleas for help from carpet cleaners, mold remediation and fire and water damage restoration professionals. If you are starting a carpet cleaning business or an experienced small business person you will surely find practical advice here.

Weekly Financial Flash Report

In the “good ole days” (pre-recession) you could get by with casually checking the nice big number at the end of your monthly Profit and Loss statement and then pop a cold one! Not anymore. You now need to focus like a hawk on your WEEKLY financials. This Flash Report form will help …