The “Lone Ranger” Rides No More (Part II)
Once you build your network of “informal” business advisers it’s time to actually listen. For self-made business entrepreneurs this is often easier said than accomplished.
Once you build your network of “informal” business advisers it’s time to actually listen. For self-made business entrepreneurs this is often easier said than accomplished.
Most cleaning business owners believe that their workforce would perform better if only they could pay their people more. In other words, better monetary rewards = motivated employees. Motivation guru Dan Pink reveals why this is a flawed assumption.
The image of the lonely but brave entrepreneur fighting against incredible odds is ingrained in the American psyche. Chuck Violand explains why this is so sad and unnecessary …
Extending “uncommon courtesy” to people doesn’t have to be complicated or flashy. But it sure can make someone “feel like a king!”
Make eye contact and say hello. Sounds simple. However, many of us struggle with even the most basic people skills. Here is a simple rule to make it happen for you and your workforce.
One of our greatest threats is past success. Chuck shares two common “success pitfalls” for cleaners.
Most cleaners invite reviews; but not everyone examines them like they should. Steve revisits the “customer comment card” with a few modern tweaks.
Ex-paratrooper Tom Barr took the scariest “jump” of his life several years ago when he opened Platinum Restoration. Now Platinum is thriving and Tom credits much of his success to attending SFS twice!
Learn the destructive tendencies of the typical Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder manager. If you see yourself here help is on the way!
So are you easily distracted/impulsive/scatter-brained and/or hyper-active? Then you may be an ADHD manager and YES- Chuck Violand explains that there is hope for you!
A Buffalo, NY owner-operator muses on how to fairly pay his first full-time employee. Steve shares some important Compensation Principles …
Did you start your own business because you were bored/frustrated/unemployable??? Chuck Violand warns against the “Business ADHD Leadership” trait.
IF you are going to hire employees you must “do it right”. Steve shares one great tip on where to find them …
Industry veteran David Gargan just loved the physical act of cleaning carpets … until he hit the big 4-0! Learn how Dave “broke free from the wand” and discovered the wonderful gift of personal time with his family.
All cleaners; technicians, managers and owner-operators can benefit from better time management. Chuck suggests cleaning professionals stop focusing on HOW to “save” time and concentrate more on WHERE they “invest” time.