Staying the course-Heads Up vs. Heads Down!
SFS instructor Chuck Violand reflects on the age-old entrepreneurial struggle between the important long-term vision and the urgent short-term reality…
SFS instructor Chuck Violand reflects on the age-old entrepreneurial struggle between the important long-term vision and the urgent short-term reality…
Best Buy should be King of the retail electronics world. So what went wrong? What lessons can a small business learn from the mistakes of Best Buy?
How many times have you screamed, “Don’t just stand there- DO SOMETHING!” SFS instructor Chuck Violand explains the best strategy may be to “do nothing”…
People hire on with you for you for a pay check. (Duh!) BUT they stay long term because they “buy in” emotionally to the family atmosphere and shared vision you have created. Read on for how to do it …
A savvy St. Louis entrepreneur checks in with a progress report for the SFS team and shares some resources with all of us …
SFS graduates are eager to turn their companies into fine-tuned Cheerleader making machines! BUT how can you get the average tech to “buy in” to your new vision? Jeff Cutshall has the answer …
American Airlines was once the largest airline in the world and it now is struggling to survive. Anyone that has flown them over the past year could see the signs- in the AA employees! So can you learn an important lesson from AA’s sad example?
Nothing (with the exception of how to price your work) will get carpet cleaners more agitated than the eternal question of one person versus two person crews. Steve explains why he came down somewhere in the middle …
A departing employee will tell you, “I’m leaving for more money”. But normally salary is just the excuse. So HOW can you keep your employees long term?
An Idaho cleaner is in between hiring his first employee or forming a partnership. Uh-oh! Time for another one of “Steve’s rants”!
Great leaders don’t shrink back from responsibility. Chuck Violand offers an earnest plea to business owners: “Stop the whining and face reality”.
Chuck warns owners with 3 bad outcomes from executive arrogance. Then he shares specific tips on how to harness this negative energy for personal and business growth.
Make it easy for your workforce to enchant the home owner. And yes, appearances DO matter! With this simple technique you can remind your people to see themselves through the eyes of their customer.
It takes a healthy self-confidence to open and run a small business today. But Chuck Violand reminds you to not let this confidence morph into destructive pride and arrogance.
Once you build your network of “informal” business advisers it’s time to actually listen. For self-made business entrepreneurs this is often easier said than accomplished.