The Three A’s – Part 2: Accessibility

If you are in Emergency Disaster Restoration 24-7 “accessibility” is a no-brainer. But what about the average cleaner? Who should he or she be accessible to? Chuck adjusts our Customer’s Eyeglasses…

Praise employees AND promote your company

Let’s be honest here. Few people brag about being a carpet cleaning tech! So Steve says you must motivate your employees with “Public Recognition”. (And get some free marketing for your company at the same time!)

Don’t disrespect “followership”- Part 2

“Followership” plays an important role in being an effective leader. Chuck Violand shares three more suggestions to help you develop your followership skills.

Don’t disrespect “followership”- Part 1

While leadership is all the rage, Chuck Violand thinks it’s time to build a case for followership. After all, following is a critical component of being an effective leader.

“Batting lessons” for business owners- Part 2

Everybody wants to work for a winner. They want to follow someone who steps up and tries new things, even if it means striking out occasionally. You may not hit a home run but you just might get an extra base hit!

Skills to be a better business owner (Part III)

Chuck’s wrap-up on being a better business owner. By mastering the executive skill-set you will give yourself a big advantage in leading your company to success.

Frustrated with the “new” generation of employees?

It may be the most common lament from SFS members- “These young people don’t want to work like I did when I was young!” True … AND False. Big Billy shares two expert views of the “Millenials” entering the workplace…

Why can’t customer service always be this easy?

Everyone knows Big Billy has always been addicted to the coffee at Starbucks. Now his latest Starbucks experience has turned him into a raving fan. Future SFS attendees be warned …