“The surprising truth about what motivates us”

Most cleaning business owners believe that their workforce would perform better if only they could pay their people more. In other words, better monetary rewards = motivated employees. Motivation guru Dan Pink reveals why this is a flawed assumption.

We all need a little “feedback” …

Many cleaning techs are from the Millennial generation and so they expect “feedback”. Do they need to “quit whining and man up” or are your young techs correct in expecting communication from the boss? Big Billy Yeadon shares some thoughts …

Carpet cleaning technician pay- commission vs. hourly? What to do?

It is just one of the cleaning industry’s “eternal questions”. Where is the “sweet spot” in compensating my employees? What is the simplest and most cost effective way to motivate technicians while still letting the company make a profit? Steve shares a few thoughts with a Richmond, VA carpet cleaner …

“Baking bread” by developing your cleaning/restoration business managers OR maybe just yourself!

There is a very thin line between “controlled delegation of authority”(good) and “total abdication of responsibility”(bad)! Chuck Violand has been reflecting on this struggle as he engages in his favorite hobby- baking bread!

What can carpet cleaners learn from Disney?

Cleaners and restorers can learn a lot about how to run their operations from the legendary Walt Disney. After 55 years, Disney continues to be the most visited place in America. As with so many other things in life, it is focus on the little things that makes the difference …

So can I build a business that will run without me “pushing a wand”?

Are you enjoying the lifestyle benefits of living in the countryside? GREAT! This small town carpet cleaner asks, “Can I build a ‘real business’ in a market base of only 30,000 people?” Steve shares how he did it …