Meg’s Story Directory
Meg and John Burdick share their journey in the quest for success. Join us as we rejoice in their victories and commiserate with them in the pitfalls that all companies eventually face.
Meg and John Burdick share their journey in the quest for success. Join us as we rejoice in their victories and commiserate with them in the pitfalls that all companies eventually face.
Many “burned-by-employees” cleaners and restorers reject the “getting big” dream and decide to “stay small” as a “Lone Wolf” owner-operator.
Building my business into “something of value” was one of the great joys of my life. BUT to grow your company RIGHT isn’t easy!
It is vital to communicate to employees your company’s daily, weekly and long term priorities. Here’s one way to do it …
The virus to which I’m referring is still alive, well and thriving in far too many companies.
Most of us have an over-active need for the approval of others. In the process, we let other people or things get in the way of what we could (and should) be. Even worse, we don’t achieve what we personally want out of life.
Does your cleaning/restoration company have these “Making It Easier” procedures implemented?
Reminding yourself of Sir Winston’s words to “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never…” might help sustain you through the rough patches that are a natural part of every cleaning and restoration business.
How to work through adversity and stay on the path to success and sustained growth
Start With Why has its own simple philosophy “people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
Yes, there are significant emotional and financial rewards that come along with the CEO title. However, there are also pitfalls to be avoided.
Are you continuing to develop your own skills to help you keep up with an ever changing workplace? OR have you started to coast?
It has become a tradition! Steve’s end-of-the-year TOP TEN list! (And thank you for every time you clicked on one of my QuickTIPS in 2014!)
One of a CEO’s main responsibilities is to “grow their people”. How is this done?
“Holding yourself accountable” by answering some uncomfortable (and very soul-searching) questions will make a huge difference in your business… and your life!