Brand Sense- marketing cleaning services through the five senses

In this summary of “Brand Sense…Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound” Bill Yeadon explains how the five senses can affect your customer AND what they FEEL about your service …

How to find the “OK cleaning price” in OK?

Ah yes, the eternal question: “How do I ‘bid’ a job at the ‘right price’?” (Which means low enough that the manager does not fall out of his chair laughing when reading your proposal but high enough to make a profit.) Steve shares a 4 step “pricing for profit” system …

Gentlemen: Start Your Vacuums

vacuum-at-homeAs an IICRC CCT instructor I continually have to convince cleaning technicians that they need to vacuum every job. The current belief is that less than 10% of all jobs are vacuumed prior to cleaning.

But now a new survey shows an even better reason to vacuum. Men who vacuum and do other household chores tend to spend more time in the bedroom; and I don’t mean dusting the dresser!

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Does your business suffer from “Boiling Frog Syndrome”?

Chuck Violand reflects on the sad fact that most small enterprises are not destroyed by fierce competition or outside forces such as a sour economy. No, the rot comes from within. Read on for an orientation on this insidious danger …